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The Last Movie You Watched?

Punch drunk love, 9/10.

i think that besides reign over me, this is the other role that i know of where sandler doesn't really play himself. Emily watson is as cute as a button in this movie.

a bit different from most movies, but it's awesome.

Funny People is worth seeing. Really weird and I'm not sure that I would call it a good movie, but it's an interesting film and a good performance by Adam Sandler.
I suspect they changed far more than the names if they managed to make it funny. I haven't seen the movie, but I read the real story here. (Warning, it's a long read.)
Plenty of incompetence by the criminals, but not a funny story.
The soundbite in the trailer should really be "My name is Daniel Lugo, and I believe in kidnap, torture, murder and dismemberment."

I read that as well. What was funny for me was the ineptitude and incompetence of the criminals. The story itself isn't funny, it's pretty tragic, hence why I said it was very dark. Yes they changed a bit more than just the names, surprisingly not much though. What they did is shocking if you don't know the story, doubly so when you realize real people did these things.


The Other "F" Word.

It's a movie about guys from a lot of punk bands that became fathers and had to grow up. Very good documentary, but I think I had as much fun singing along with the soundtrack as I did watching it. Who wouldn't with Pennywise, Rancid, Black Flag, NOFX...
Just happen to turn on the TV last nigh and watched "The Sum of All Fears". Interesting movie about a global terrorist faction that threatens to induce a catastrophic conflict between the United States and Russia
Just watched "Oz the Great and Powerful" - not bad, about a 6/10. Didn't give much of a back story on the three witches. The non human characters were the best (and I am a big Rachel Weisz fan). My two kids, 6 and 9 liked it.

also watched

"Jack the Giant Slayer" - not good. Nothing to really recommend it. Very paint by numbers and not much fun. 5/10 Max.
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System Generated
1st half, very interesting. 2nd half, no so much.

Why I wasted 90min on this, I have no idea. :blushing:

Frankenstein's Army

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Watched The Bourne Legacy last night. Worst of the series and cannot recommend it in the slightest bit. A true disappointment and waste of time.
Watched The Bourne Legacy last night. Worst of the series and cannot recommend it in the slightest bit. A true disappointment and waste of time.

Agreed. A total disappointment. The mass killing scene in the lab (?) was as offensive and racist as you can get nowadays.
While I recover from a cold (started on the long weekend no less!) the wife and I watched RIPD last night. Not bad. Funny parts. Glad we didn't spend the theatre money on it.


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