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The Breakfast Thread

McCann's Irish Oatmeal with bananas and brown sugar, Gevalia coffee made with a Bodum Santos vacuum process coffee maker, and some Welch's grape juice.
I usually cook oatmeals with banana, honey and sometimes walnuts in it. Eat it with milk and one or two sourdough sandwiches. If I can find orange juice in the fridge the morning has been perfect :biggrin:
My usual breakfast is a small bowl of some fiber cereal with soy milk, followed by a cup of yogurt.

My wife will occasionally make pancakes or french toast on the weekends, as my son loves most anything that is drenched in syrup.

We've also been known to do a fried egg in bread, or "frog in a hole," as some call it. My son loves eating the bread middles after they've been toasted in the pan.

Another favorite of mine is sausage, onions, and eggs, all scrambled together. I'm fine with adding green peppers, but my wife can't stand them, so....

For Christmas morning, my mother makes an awesome breakfast casserole that includes fresh sausage, eggs, milk, cheese, and bread. She also makes pecan sticky buns, but I never have any room for it after the casserole.

We'll also occasionally just do some fried eggs (runny yolks, cooked whites), sausage (either fresh patty or smoked), and toast. We have a great store here that sells some wonderful sausage. Mom won't make her breakfast casserole with anything other than Bradley's.
I'm shocked (SHOCKED!!) that we've gotten to page 2 of this thread and nobody has claimed "A shot of tequila with a beer chaser". :001_smile

Today for me was Fiber One cereal mixed with cottage cheese. Fiber, quality carbs and protein - what more could you ask for?
Current favorite:

Mashed avocado mixed with lemon juice on toasted bagel with salt and pepper. With fresh coffee.

Long-term favorite:

Bacon, fried crisp on one side, not flipped so still chewy on the other. Chopped yellow onion sauteed in bacon grease, two eggs cooked sunny side up on onions; slides right out of small skillet onto plate. Salt, pepper and dash of Worcestershire sauce. Toast, cooled then buttered (so butter doesn't melt; what can I say, I like butter). Dip the toast in broken yolks. Eat eggs and onions with the bacon. With fresh coffee.

Grilled pork chops, scrambled eggs, fried rice, buttered toast (wheat, trying to stay healthy here) with jam, and coffee, black.
I am usually an omelette guy
ham, cheddar, and tomato and spuds on the side are a must:thumbup:

that being said, I enjoy almost all breakfast food and often times eat breakfast for dinner because I enjoy it so much
I've always been a fan of the usual big breakfast: eggs scrambled, bacon or sausage, toast with butter and jelly and coffee. The other day I tried Eggs Benedict for the first time and it was absolutely delicious. I am now bound and determined to make this my Sunday morning staple. I really want to try it with pork roll instead of the ham since, well, pork roll is freaking tasty. Now I just need to find a good Hollandaise recipe and have a bit of practice.

Oh, and McCann's Irish Oats are darn tasty as well. Of course it helps if you apply a liberal amount of European-style butter, whole milk and brown sugar. Also, for a nice trick, try sticking the uncooked oats in a skillet to toast up. This really brings out the nutty flavor I think and takes the final dish to a whole new level.
A small breakfast this morning: toasted, buttered, multi-grain sourdough bread with a fried egg on top. We both had orange juice and I had a few slices of uncured, apple-smoked bacon. Lots of strong coffee!


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Pancakes this morning (1 egg, 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of milk).

I tried the famous sugar + lemon juice on the pancake, not a fan. I rather have Jam or maple syrup!

Yesterday egg benedicts were awesome! That sauce is so easy to make...
I had a Rockstar Energy today at my Kid's wrestling meet. He had Oatmeal.

I typically have Oatmeal, but I was showering when he was eating.
I would never eat all of this in one sitting, but here are some of my favorite breakfast foods.

Chipped Beef smothering burnt toast
Corned Beef Hash
Scrambled Eggs with Cheese
Fried Potatoes and Onions
Buttermilk Pancakes
Pink Grapefruit
Here is my favorite breakfast:
I use one half tube of Jimmy Dean sausage and crumble it as I fry it. Use about the same amount of hash browns in the skillet in the grease from the sausage. Mix together in the pan with about half a cup or more of fresh green chile and warm. I then add 5 eggs to the mixture and scramble the whole thing together till the eggs are done.
I then put the mixture into a very warm tortilla to make a killer breakfast burrito! Serve with fresh coffee and orange juice! On the week ends we might put a little tequila in the OJ!
Got to love living in New Mexico!
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