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New theme

:a14:Big clap to badger and blade i really like the way this change has turned out its so much easier for me on the phone and looks imo better than what it did..not that anything was wrong before but..its a improvement :a14:
:frown:ah man i have to go to town with my gf and help her move house and buy her some furniture hahah have fun all and have a great day :punk:
I have been wondering where to post about this. Given all the myriad things that could go wrong making a change like this, it seems to be running very smoothly and working very well. I like the new look a bit better than the old, and many of the features are better for me. My only real gripe is not being able to see how many posts are in a thread from my "Your Content" page. But all in all, a great job and salute to all involved in the transition.:a14:
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