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New Boker Razor quality, as good as the old ones???

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John, you made me wonder why you sell such an extensive range of Wacker razors if you really believe that he makes poor quality razors for Boeker. Why on earth would Herr Wacker make good razors with his own name, Dorko and a few others on the tang and make poor quality razors for Boeker?

My feeling is he either makes crap razors (in which case you aren't doing yourself any favours selling them) or he makes good razors in which case I wonder why you slate the razors he makes for Boeker.

PLEASE! Smell the coffee. Don't you understand?

Main Entry: fa·ce·tious
Pronunciation: \fə-ˈsē-shəs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French facetieux, from facetie jest, from Latin facetia
Date: 1599
1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish <just being facetious>
2 : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious <a facetious remark>
synonyms see witty
&#8212; fa&#183;ce&#183;tious&#183;ly adverb
&#8212; fa&#183;ce&#183;tious&#183;ness noun
Ok I'll say it again.

Modern production razors whether they are Dovo or a or a TI are simply not of the same quality as their vintage offerings. I have many and the differences are not subtle.

I didn't say Wacker doesn't make good blades or that when he worked for other companies there were any issues. What I did say is if you are going to spend the big bucks for a Boker are you getting a Boker or a wacker? I think you can get a Wacker for far less money. Also as far as guys coming out of retirement to make razors, realize these guys have to be in their 70s or 80s now. I don't think many will be looking to do this work at that age. Wacker is a real exception.

And as to the price why would you buy a Boker when you can get an Ellis or a Livi or a Williams or one of many other custom razors at some of these price points?

The real specific issue here is no different than with many other products where a legendary company reissues a product and charges outrageous prices for products that don't hold a candle to their former products using their name as leverage to extract money from people. You see this a lot in the watch sales arena. Also as I recall most of Boker's lower priced offerings in the knife area are imported from Asia. No I'm not saying or implying in any way their razors are asian.

I was attempting to inform you that there IS NO DIFFERENCE. They are the same - same steel, same grinders or grinders trained by the masters, sold by the same companies.

I guess I will have to get in touch with Herr Wacker and tell him we have decided it is not appropriate for him to come out of retirement and work for Boker - because we think so - just because.

He retired when the companies were not making straight razors any more and he had nothing to do. He started making them for himself and started Wacker Rasiermesser. Now Boker needed a grinder and coaxed him out of semi-retirement to make Boker razors. He is one of only two German government certified Master Razor Maker's left.

John Crowley
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1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish <just being facetious>

The key word in your post is inappropriately. You are, in essence, saying that your joke or attempt at humor was inappropriate and unnecessary. You could've rebutted the statements by simply stating what you knew about Boker and Wacker razors. At this point, all your posturing is demeaning and excessive.
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The key word in your post is inappropriately. You are, in essence, saying that your joke or attempt at humor was inappropriate and unnecessary. You could've rebutted the statements by simply stating what you knew about Boker and Wacker razors. At this point, all your posturing is demeaning and excessive.

Waiter! More coffee here please!
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