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Animal Testing shave products


I learned that for instance Gillette company is testing it's rasor blades in a horrible way on rabbits or other animals.


Now, I'm not interested in a discussion about testing methods themselves. or the unlucky rabbit depicted. With the knowledge we have today, the testing on animals is often unnecessary. So, I'm wondering if you guys can help me with information about what companies have a positive animal testing policy so that I can buy my soap and blades in the most kosjer way as possible?

Obviously, Gillette blades are not the cool blades to shave with if you don't want to support their testing methods.

What is that picture showing? Do they shave rabbits?
I'll try and get the train back on the tracks ?? It has been good reading

Sue alluded to the fact that it appears a lot of the animal testing is what happens when us dumb humans mistreat the product. A new product can be easily tested by the buyer by putting a small dab on the face. You'll find out if your skin doesn't like it. That bit is easy but then there's the..

What happens if I eat six pucks of that soap??

What happens if I pour half a bottle into my left ear??


I guess the producers have to see what happens if, and unfortunately the bunnies get the short straw. Prisoners umm?

What happened to Fred the burglar?

Oh his ear flamed up when we poured two quarts of after shave in it so we had to put him down!!

My 0.02


Good Points, How about an adult that doesn't know brewed McDonalds coffee is hot? Prior to pre-school most children know what 'hot' means.

No amount of testing can anticipate all the 'dumb' things that can be done with a product. Perfumers Alcohol that is about $1oo per gallon w/ shipping is treated so it can't be consumed. Are you kidding me? That is so you won't drink your aftershave or EDT. :eek: Don't you wonder why? Someone, somewhere must have been pretty desperate for a buzz.

A 24 hour skin test is recommended for anyone who is unsure of a product and their sensitivites. All you need to do is place a small dab on your inner elbow, rub it in and leave it there untouched for 24 hours. If you have redness, irritation or the itchies -- if there is any reaction at all; don't use the product.
There will probably always be some sort of animal testing.
What I have a problem with is when companies continue to do testing of ingredients that are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). Many products are made entirely of these GRAS ingredients, yet they are still tested on animals.
Way to go Sue... I lost 20 lbs doing my own version of that diet and was in a rotten mood and had no energy for most of it. Thank God for coffee! Good luck to you (and those around you. :wink:).

The lack of energy was only the first couple days and not cranky. I like it because it requires no counting calories and it's quick. Did you cheat? That throws everything off, you're out of ketosis and have to start over.
The lack of energy was only the first couple days and not cranky. I like it because it requires no counting calories and it's quick. Did you cheat? That throws everything off, you're out of ketosis and have to start over.

My "plan"... given to me by my trainer ... allowed for one cheat meal / weak.
My "plan"... given to me by my trainer ... allowed for one cheat meal / weak.

Really? So all proteins, except once every seven days? Is that to prevent the 'starvation mode' where your metabolism burns less than normal to 'conserve'?

Bill Phillips has a once a week cheater day but is protein the size of your palm and carbs the size of your fist with regimented weight training. I know two ppl that kept with it and should have their before (which was already good) and after photos in his book. Unbelievable results.
Really? So all proteins, except once every seven days? Is that to prevent the 'starvation mode' where your metabolism burns less than normal to 'conserve'?

Bill Phillips has a once a week cheater day but is protein the size of your palm and carbs the size of your fist with regimented weight training. I know two ppl that kept with it and should have their before (which was already good) and after photos in his book. Unbelievable results.

No, the "starvation mode" was avoided by eating 4-5x a day... basically your regular 3 meals plus snacks in between. Oh, also a protein shake (mostly slow digesting casein) before bed so as to not get too hungry over night. Breakfast was a protein shake or a regular meal immediately upon waking (also to avoid starvation mode).

Part of the reason for the cheat meal (which admittedly expanded a bit over time) was that on a super strict no-carb diet, I also had no energy for my work out. Plus, it's just good to cheat now and again. So, on gym days, I was then allowed limited carbs (basically the meal before working out; those carbs then burned off during the work out).
Before I saw the breakfast taunting, I came here to say that I'm proud that Mom and Dad don't test their soaps on animals unless you count me, Rich, and Dennis...: tongue:


The wife's investment
Before I saw the breakfast taunting, I came here to say that I'm proud that Mom and Dad don't test their soaps on animals unless you count me, Rich, and Dennis...: tongue:

Now the cat is out of the bag. :eek: Why would anyone put a cat in a bag anyway? No cats were harmed in the making of this post.
Before I saw the breakfast taunting, I came here to say that I'm proud that Mom and Dad don't test their soaps on animals unless you count me, Rich, and Dennis...: tongue:

I act like a bear before my first cup of coffee. Does that count?
And why, when companies spend millions dripping shampoo into rabbits eyes, does it still sting like hell when I get it in mine?

lol :).. maybe they are still testing on you secretly. Time to check for hidden camera's in your bathroom?

I buy products labeled animal testing free because I don't agree that other beings should have to sacrifice themselves for my benefit.
Yes that means I am willing to die of some horrible disease if it means not poking the eyes out of some animal.
What exactly gives us the right? Being smarter doesn't seem like a valid license to me. I mean i'm smarter than an infant but most people wouldn't think I should be able to test on them either.
How does all this animal testing mis-information get out?

PETA and other groups. Notice they don't line up to replace the animals being tested . . .

There is very little we (humankind) does in this universe that doesn't impact on something. We have rules when it comes to testing on animals, and as we come up with better ways we change the rules. Some people just like to join groups, some people like to spread panic, some people . . .
PETA and other groups. Notice they don't line up to replace the animals being tested . . .
And why exactly should anyone agree to be tested for your benefit, animals or humans?
That is what I don't get with your philosophy.
Diseases suck but they are part of nature and pretty much fair as such.

I don't see how you have a right to expect others to sacrifice themselves so you don't get a disease or can solve that disease faster.
That is not fair.
I don't have a philosophy, I have diabetes. I am sorry for the dogs, but without them I wouldn't be.
Well obviously your circumstances are not something I would wish upon you so I mean you no offense.
But I guess i'm just saying that to me at least I wouldn't expect other beings to sacrifice themselves for me.
If I have a condition that leads to my end, it sucks but so be it. It was just part of the cycle of life and I accept it.

Peta activists are not just selfish alarmists, they just have a moral position you don't agree with.
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