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A newbie’s journey into DE shaving

the OC baseplate ups the level of blade feel a bit - and it increases the efficiency level of the regular baseplate even more.
So it's most likely unnecessary to pick the OC Bird for a daily shaver like you are.

Anyways, if urges arise and you want to try out the stuff, feel free to reach out to me.

Wishing you a great week, too!
Thanks Guido! I love a Rechtsanwalt who actually saves me money! :thumbup: You’re my Harvey Specter!

And thank you for the opportunity. Appreciated. And you’re right as usual, being a daily shaver not every razor needs to be übereffective. Sometimes good is just good enough.


Ok, did a head shave with some more goodies @blethenstrom sent over and this time none other than his signature shaving soap BSS#1. The scent in this stuff is amazing! I absolutely love it. I am a side by gear and this brings out the best in me! :lol1:

Using the RR400B again and I had lather in no time at all. Thick rich slick lather. My Schick felt like skiing today. Residual slickness is wonderful too. My skin feels nourished and smooth. Nice post shave feel.

This was also the first time using a shave stick. That requires some additional skills for me at least. Felt a little strange, but fortunately my head stubble came to assist me and all was well. A damp 400 did the rest and baboom!! lather!!

Boris you give other soap makers a run for their money. This stuff is just great!!

Cheers y’all!

Ok, did a head shave with some more goodies @blethenstrom sent over and this time none other than his signature shaving soap BSS#1. The scent in this stuff is amazing! I absolutely love it. I am a side by gear and this brings out the best in me! :lol1:

Using the RR400B again and I had lather in no time at all. Thick rich slick lather. My Schick felt like skiing today. Residual slickness is wonderful too. My skin feels nourished and smooth. Nice post shave feel.

This was also the first time using a shave stick. That requires some additional skills for me at least. Felt a little strange, but fortunately my head stubble came to assist me and all was well. A damp 400 did the rest and baboom!! lather!!

Boris you give other soap makers a run for their money. This stuff is just great!!

Cheers y’all!

I am so happy that you like the soap! Maybe it was just luck since it was my first try to make shave soap, but of the soaps I have personally tried myself, it holds it's own. I probably will make some more here soon. I have been thinking about it. I may go for a whole kilo this time so I can share some with some folks around this neck of the woods. Personally I have probably BSS#1 from the first batch to last me a couple of years.

As far as the scent goes I have a hard time to tell if it is good or bad since I have lasting long term effects from COVID. My bout with it was pretty bad and I actually was in the hospital for like 3 days. I lost my sense of smell and it has really never returned fully and that was back in June of 2021. I can smell some stuff, but it is never as intense nor detailed as it used to be, if that makes sense. I used to have what I referred to as "ghost smells" and it was smells that I knew was not real, but that I could smell. They weren't unpleasant or anything, but just strange. Now those have pretty much gone away, but still my smell sensitivity is not what it used to be.
As far as the scent goes I have a hard time to tell if it is good or bad since I have lasting long term effects from COVID. My bout with it was pretty bad and I actually was in the hospital for like 3 days. I lost my sense of smell and it has really never returned fully and that was back in June of 2021. I can smell some stuff, but it is never as intense nor detailed as it used to be, if that makes sense. I used to have what I referred to as "ghost smells" and it was smells that I knew was not real, but that I could smell. They weren't unpleasant or anything, but just strange. Now those have pretty much gone away, but still my smell sensitivity is not what it used to be.
Same for me, but no hospital stent. My sense of smell seems to have recovered somewhat.
Same for me, but no hospital stent. My sense of smell seems to have recovered somewhat.
Yeah the COVID hospital stay was interesting. My wife had it at the same time and we had been down for the count for about a week and my ox levels were dropping. She had to drive me to the hospital and drop me off at the ER. I did not bring anything to stay there I thought they were just going to give me something and send me home. Nope they wheeled me off and my wife headed home. The day after she had to come back to drop a bag for me. she had to drop it at the front door and they had to deliver it to me. Yeah it was no fun and I am glad that that is over and past.

I still remember the nurse almost giving me a heart attack one night though. I was sound asleep and I was turned on my side and I woke up and there was the nurse changing batteries on my heart monitor. Her face was like 12 inches from mine with a headlamp and full isolation garb on. It was quite the surprise.
Yeah the COVID hospital stay was interesting. My wife had it at the same time and we had been down for the count for about a week and my ox levels were dropping. She had to drive me to the hospital and drop me off at the ER. I did not bring anything to stay there I thought they were just going to give me something and send me home. Nope they wheeled me off and my wife headed home. The day after she had to come back to drop a bag for me. she had to drop it at the front door and they had to deliver it to me. Yeah it was no fun and I am glad that that is over and past.

I still remember the nurse almost giving me a heart attack one night though. I was sound asleep and I was turned on my side and I woke up and there was the nurse changing batteries on my heart monitor. Her face was like 12 inches from mine with a headlamp and full isolation garb on. It was quite the surprise.
This is the exact opposite for me. I drove my wife to the ER, thinking she'd be seen and released, her kidney function was at 15%, which complicated the situation as the experimental drug they used at the time required a certain level of kidney function. It was touch and go for a while with her, she never fully recovered and returned to work only for a short time. She is one of those long-term covid patients and on long-term disability from her job.
That sucks @blethenstrom and @cajunrph! Long term Covid is underestimated by a lot of people meaning they think you are exaggerating or just need to have a healthier life style or worse, that it’s all between your ears. It’s going to take another 5-10 years before we really know what actually happened to all of us. At least that’s how I see it.

Hope you guys will be alright soon again!

That sucks @blethenstrom and @cajunrph! Long term Covid is underestimated by a lot of people meaning they think you are exaggerating or just need to have a healthier life style or worse, that it’s all between your ears. It’s going to take another 5-10 years before we really know what actually happened to all of us. At least that’s how I see it.

Hope you guys will be alright soon again!

Thank you, Guido, my bride has her ups and downs, but it hasn't stopped her from planting every flower known to man, nor wanting every single furbaby she runs across. Her main symptoms are being easily winded and no energy from time to time.
That sucks @blethenstrom and @cajunrph! Long term Covid is underestimated by a lot of people meaning they think you are exaggerating or just need to have a healthier life style or worse, that it’s all between your ears. It’s going to take another 5-10 years before we really know what actually happened to all of us. At least that’s how I see it.

Hope you guys will be alright soon again!

Thanks I'm just thankful that it is just my smell. I have no other ill effects that I can tell, but your never know.
You should like this...my sister-in-law lost her sense of taste to covid and her husband lost his sense of smell to covid as well.
Now just the other day the SIL goes into the garage to see what the hubby is up to. She just about gags from the smell and asks him what the hell is happening. It seems he's had a deer head that hadn't been cleaned out or whatever properly and is not aging well at all. He didn't realize it because ...he cant smell anything.
The kitchen conversations must be interesting..."That smells good, how's it taste?" "It tastes ok but I cant smell it". I always thought smell affected taste. But I dunno.
You should like this...my sister-in-law lost her sense of taste to covid and her husband lost his sense of smell to covid as well.
Now just the other day the SIL goes into the garage to see what the hubby is up to. She just about gags from the smell and asks him what the hell is happening. It seems he's had a deer head that hadn't been cleaned out or whatever properly and is not aging well at all. He didn't realize it because ...he cant smell anything.
The kitchen conversations must be interesting..."That smells good, how's it taste?" "It tastes ok but I cant smell it". I always thought smell affected taste. But I dunno.
Look at it from the bright side she can let one rip anytime she wants to and he will not be none the wise.
366 daily shaves

Lambda AthenaGillette Nacet (2)Razorock 400 Butterscotch
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Hampshire Wool Fat (8)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
10/10 (Clean)5/10 (Sharp)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
9/10 (Buttery Smooth)


No fuzz, comfortable and close shave today.

Today I went for the Athena again to check how that one shaves with one of the selected B&B top blades as I haven’t used it before in the Athena. Blade on two shaves including this one so should be sufficiently sharp. According to my shave statistics the blade performs well in the upper ranges of DFS+++ to BBS. Usually. Today it was very comfortable, but I felt sharpness was less than yesterday. So while yesterday’s score could have been a 6, I am slightly downgrading to a 5 - maybe tomorrow will be better again. I say could by the way, because stubble was more than the other days with the Minora which I find interesting considering I shaved with a Blackbird no less. I noticed the slightest patina development in the Athena. Nothing worth buffing already, just noticeable. Not Karve patina rates of development.

The brush continues to be a joy. The weight difference with the solid aluminium version is very noticeable. The knot is soft, splays easily and always delivers a great lather. Soap is superb. Really like the lanolin qualities of the wool fat in combination with the cedarwood scent.

I am finding that my pressure is different left and right in my shave which of course is due to the dominant hand doing the shave on both sides. I think I need to investigate and develop more ambidexterity in my shaves to literally get more even results. I think. For today I am going back and forth between BBS- and BBS. Subtle differences.

Enjoy your shave today!
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