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Why did you start wet-shaving?

I used canned goo and sensors for years, then went to Mach 3s and used those until about 2 months ago or so. I was getting good shaves with them it had nothing to do with my shave. I figured I'd buy myself a Straight razor,a strop, a mug and a brush and that would be it. The only thing I would ever need to buy for the rest of my life would be a puck of soap every month or so. At $1.88 for a puck of Williams I was laughing... yeah... right...
I wanted a smoother shave without crazy irritation and less cuts and less ingrowns. After a year I think I have achieved this. For me it means a mild gillette slim or superspeed or an aggressive merkur slant with an astra sp blade. Took awhile to find the best blade for my skin, but now nothing else will do.
Good prep with quality soaps( wm neumann, razorock, petal pushers, synergy, stirling) and wm neumann aftershave.
Now shaving is a fun thing, not yet cheaper but will be since I have bought enough to last a decade.
Cartidge razor irritated my skin and gave me ingrown hairs. So I had the idea to try an electric razor and while this didn't irritate my skin it achieved this by never giving me an ultra close shave. I used that for a year and then it came time to buy a new razor head for it, and not being super happy with it I decided against spending the money on the new head and was going to put that money into something else. In search for a better solution I stumbled across DE razors and wet shaving and made the jump 4 months ago, I'm still learning but every day I notice that my shaves are improving. I'm actually playing with the idea of a straight razor now. I was thinking about getting one of bucas gold dollars.
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On the lookout for new chicks
I started wet shaving because the electric razor I had used about 20+ years ago irritated and burned my face. I figured that with wet shaving, I could get a close shave without the irritation. It worked and I have been hooked since. This year I made the jump from cartridge blades to DE shaving and consistantly I am getting better shaves than with 2 decades of the cartridge system. Except for shaving my head, I won't return to cartridges again.
started 35+ years ago because thats what dad did 62 gillette slim that dad replaced after his son tried to sharpen many years before(still use that one) then atra carts a few electrics mach 3 then fusion got tired of expense of fusion and trying to rinse stubble out of the multi blade systems found some de blades and am right back where I started so many years ago
I was going through a phase of minimalizing everything around me. Partly to save money, partly to be environmentally sustainable, partly to reduce stress. It definitely helps with stress, no doubt about it. Possibly better for the environment since I don't buy all the plastic cartridge crap or go through cans of goop so fast. Save money? Right...
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I started shaving after the gillete sensor first came out, of course I kept up grading, sensor excell, mach 3, fusion. I switched on and off between shave cream and gel throught the years. About ten years ago I started wet shaving, altough I didn't know what I was doing, for about a year and a half, then went back to the shaving cream/gel. I've been going to barbers for most of my life untill what I consider a real barber in the fall of 2012. At the end of the haircut he used a straight razor to shave the back of my neck, and i was hooked. I started by getting a conair foam lather heater, and a straight razor, then bought one of the 10 dollor Van Der Hagen shaving kits. Well I found that it was too hard for me to learn to use a straight, then I picked up a gillette de razor on ebay, and found it much easier to use. Now I love the way the shave soaps/creams make my skin feel smoother, and moisterized, that I will never go back to using the canned gel/ shave cream for good.
I was 13 and needed a shave.
My dad handed me one of his Schick injectors.
That was over 30 years ago.
Its as simple as that...
I was 13 and needed a shave.
My dad handed me one of his Schick injectors.
That was over 30 years ago.
Its as simple as that...

Yeah, that is why I used the Trac, and an Omega brush, for years. I still get good shaves from the Trac, and I still prefer DE razors that shave "Trac-like". My favorite is the Schick Krona.
My first shave was with the old safety razor I was given when I was a freshmen in High School. That was 2008 in case anyone wondering.. Since then all I've ever shaved with was that razor with cheap blades from the drug store, Williams, and my trusty Omega brush. Since discovering this site I'm learning that there is a whole world gents that believe in a good shave and I'm eager to try many new and better products than my old usuals. But I will always wet shave, til the day I die.
Traditional wet shaving:

1) Save money (haha...yeah right)

2) I used to shave with a gillette multi-cartridge razor. Eventually, my face began to get really irritated. It got to the point where I actually had to see a dermatologist. We spoke briefly, and she suggested that I use a trimmer. I did so, for 4 years. All was good until I landed a new job that required male employees to be clean-shaven. Couldn't go back to the gillette, so I picked up a DE89. Loved it. Decided to mess around with a straight razor. Loved it even more.
To get a smooth close shave without irritation or ingrown whiskers. I started shaving at 14 with canned cream & a 2-blade cartridge. I tried every technique I could find, to no avail. Flaming skin and at least 20 ingrowns every time. Then, I tried a high-end Braun electric. Same thing. Then I discovered that I could get better results with a Mach 3 in the shower, followed by the Braun afterwards - but only once or twice a week. A dermatologist (or three) could offer no better solution.

Finally, internet research led me to Mantic59's wonderful videos - then to Badger & Blade.

After a flurry of purchases, I quickly found my groove. No more ingrowns, no more acne, and I can shave every day.

Thanks to Badger & Blade, all of my purchases were excellent, and I actually have saved money over the several years I've been DE shaving.

I'll end that trend I've run out of a few more soaps & creams & have to restock.
I started when Dad got sick of looking at the little scraggy chin of mine, and bought himself a new Gillette, gave me his old one, and told me to go shave. Simple.

What I still don't understand is why I switched to cartridges and stuck with them for so long.
I bounced around a lot growing up. A lot. I'm not even sure which country I was in the first time I learned how. People in a few different ones showed me how to shave, and, wetshaving was simply the way I learned. It wasn't my first shave, but, I was young, and, liked shaving. Since I was young and just learning how to shave, they thought it would be best to teach me then. Not to brag too much, but, I make great lather. I can make awesome lather with super-cheap shaving cream and an Omega S-brush. I was 13, just about 14, the first time I took a wet-shave.

My last shave was with a Magic Razor (Italy) Shavette-style barber razor. My next shave will be with a Master Barber DE Razor. I think it was made in Pakistan.

ETA: I just remembered the first country wherein I took a Wet-shave. It was Switzerland, and I was 13 years old.
I was 12 years old with thick fuzz on my face and my junior high told my mother that unless I shaved it off I wouldn't be allowed to come back to school. So for the last 21 years up until 4 months ago I was using a M3 or Fusion. Started using DE razors 4 months.
I started using DE 2 years ago to save money. That didn't work. I have 5+ years of soap, 3+ years of blades and I just bought my first vintage razor that triggered a latent urge buy more. Oh well.
I got tired of skin irritation everytime I used an electric (less so with the cartridge razor, but still a little annoying). I have an extremely patchy mustache and beard and since there's not a real 100% method to improving facial hair growth, off it must go. Tried my first DE razor (Merkur 34C) about three months ago and for the first time in years, no irritation.
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