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What's your workout today?

I missed my leg workout yesterday because the gym closed early and I didn't know (it's supposed to be 24/7 now). So I tried to kill myself by putting chest/tri/shoulders and legs together and it almost worked too! 90 mins is a long workout when you are doing that many squats! Fortunately, I started my deload on my bench so it made it a little easier.

High bar Olympic squats (to the ground)
Front squats (to the ground)
Barbell shoulder shrugs
Weighted front dips
Power cleans
Overhead press
Straight leg deadlift
Dumbbell overhead triceps extensions
Smith machine calf raises

Pass out from exhaustion!
I also have to do it seated because there isn't enough room in my basement to do it standing, adding to the challenge.

Nice to have a home gym! No lines to the rack, you can feel manly and scream, and it's so convenient. The gym I go to has wooden floors, so you're not allowed to put down any weights too hard on the floor, etc.
I missed my leg workout yesterday because the gym closed early and I didn't know (it's supposed to be 24/7 now). So I tried to kill myself by putting chest/tri/shoulders and legs together and it almost worked too! 90 mins is a long workout when you are doing that many squats! Fortunately, I started my deload on my bench so it made it a little easier.

High bar Olympic squats (to the ground)
Front squats (to the ground)
Barbell shoulder shrugs
Weighted front dips
Power cleans
Overhead press
Straight leg deadlift
Dumbbell overhead triceps extensions
Smith machine calf raises

Pass out from exhaustion!

Jesus... That's a crazy workout. Good job!
Jesus... That's a crazy workout. Good job!

Thanks, I was happy to get to the calf raises and you know you've pushed yourself when those seem hard! But I did get a bit of time to chat with one of the figure competitors in the cage areas about her back symetry and BF%...my wife doesn't read these posts does she?!?! :blink:
Last night... My wife convinced me to go to her kickboxing class. I woke today with pain in parts of my body that I did not know could ache.
I was the only male in the class. All these girls were professionals... They all looked like they could be in a puma or Nike advertisement. All except for one very large black woman. Now she was my inspiration. I was soooo demoralized, but after seeing her struggle, I decided that I could look pathetic... As long as I did better than that one woman. Misery loves company I guess.
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5KM run at 24:08. Not pushing too hard but putting some effort into it. Tomorrow I want to do a slow 5mile and start building distance again.
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