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What did you learn from your last shave?

Excessive face washing or exfoliating strips the face of natural oil. An oily face or complexion can be the result of the body compensating or replacing oil stripped away through excessive cleansing or the use of harsh products. An oily complexion may produce whiteheads.
I learned to check my Gillette Slim adjustable and make sure the the doors are fully closed/knob tightened! I had it loose for drying and forgot to tighten it. My, what a lot of blade I am feeling!!!
When using a Bic Chrome Platinum in my Acevivi Dual comb razor, it felt too sharp and dangerous in the open comb side, but normal and smooth in the scalloped safety bar side
I learned that shaving with one blade while thinking it is another messed with my head a.k.a. "How to turn a Voshkod into a PolSilver". Going to go single blind and get my wife to load my blades and see what happens.
As a three-week newbie, I've learned that just a tad more cream in the bowl gives me a much better lather and takes me from "What’s all the fuss about TOBS sandalwood cream?" the first time I used it last week, to this morning and "Oh my, this is nice!"
second time going with my red tip for my 4-5 day rotation on one blade of my 40 blade pack. same as last time, very mild shave, close, not BBS. i'm thinking that tomorrow, i won't tighten the head as much, leave a little more blade exposed. i do love the feel of this razor while shaving.

there's always a plan B
i discovered that my red tip has different blade exposure on each side. knowing that, i used different sides for different areas. almost like having a non-adjustable adjustable.

there's always a plan B
I decided to turn my slim up to 9 just to see how it'd feel. I learned that with the grain, it feels wonderful. Against the grain? NOPE. Dialed it down to a 2 immediately after the first stroke.
- That going back through my samples isn't all that bad after all. First round on a couple Topaz Platinum and wasn't all that crazy about them. Especially since the package says sputtered edge and I was thinking the way they felt that sputtered edge may have meant saw tooth edge. Well this mornings shave was quite decent and got a DGS or CCS with one and willing to try for a second shave even. They did feel slightly rough under the chin but not bad.
That I'm still very much a novice in the DE world. Right now it's either a decent shave with no irritation or a close shave with irritation. My father told me when I was a young man that pain was an excellent teacher. Mark another one down for Dad!
My last shave was my first full straight shave, actually a shavette. I hope future ones will become easier and more enjoyable, but for the moment I'm just pleased that I did eventually manage to get through it with only one nick. I hear that a shavette is more unforgiving than an actual straight, so I figure that if I persist with the shavette for a while, the transition to my straight might be a bit easier.
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