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The Last Movie You Watched?

Another good one I finally got to!
Been on a roll lately, catching good movies rather than 20 minutes of my life wasted before I turn them off.
Oh wait- yesterday I tried Cloverfield, not worth pasting a picture...
So far two people for "ant man".

We're just sitting here watching "Stargate SG-1", and we are kind of bored. I'm thinking about catching the next showing. Is it better than any of previous marvel films?
The Maze Runner - Saw it last night with wifey, we both liked it. I did not have expectations going into it but thought it had a good flow to it and ended with a set up for a part two, which is a good thing. They have a bunch of books on this, I might have to start reading them.
Song of the Sea. Excellent children's movie if you love Celtic/Irish mythology as much as I do. Or one of several reviewings of a Studio Ghibli collection (excellent as well - a staple of my household when my kid's in a movie mood).
Mad Max Fury Road - I am dumbfounded how this movie rated so high on Rotten Tomatoes. I found it to be pointlessly over the top, plot-less and pretty ridiculous throughout. This movie was all flash and no substance. Throughout the movie I was wondering why they called this a Mad Max movie when he was actually little more than a costar. It was quite obvious that any semblance of a plot took a back seat to what was basically a 2 hour vehicle chase. I couldn't really care less about any of the characters. This was a stupid movie.
So far two people for "ant man".

We're just sitting here watching "Stargate SG-1", and we are kind of bored. I'm thinking about catching the next showing. Is it better than any of previous marvel films?

I liked it a lot. I found it very different from the other Marvel films because
the main character doesn't have any superpowers of his own - everything is in the suit
. I also found it to be lighter than other Marvel films.
The Maze Runner - Saw it last night with wifey, we both liked it. I did not have expectations going into it but thought it had a good flow to it and ended with a set up for a part two, which is a good thing. They have a bunch of books on this, I might have to start reading them.

Watched this on tv the other night after having seen it in the theater a while back. Still really liked it. Great ending. My son has read all of the books in the series, so we are anxiously awaiting The Scorch Trials.
Ex Machina: a computer programmer brought in to check the self-awareness of an AI creation of a reclusive genius. The film was interesting, but a tad slow to develop.
The Maze Runner - Saw it last night with wifey, we both liked it. I did not have expectations going into it but thought it had a good flow to it and ended with a set up for a part two, which is a good thing. They have a bunch of books on this, I might have to start reading them.

It's one of my fave movies by Dylan Obrien. He is part Italian and Spanish like myself. Very good upcoming actor with positive energy.

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Just watched the Swedish (original) versions of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Really enjoyed them. I do have a thing for the girl which probably sways my opinion.
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