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Razor wars: Blackland Blackbird versus Lambda Athena

Next up in my razor comparison series I have again set two giants in the arena: The Blackbird against the Athena. What will the verdict be?

Blackland Blackbird

The Blackbird I have weighs 90 grams (compared to the 94 grams listed on Blackland's website) with (according to Kickstarter) a blade gap of .58mm and blade exposure of .101mm. The Blackbird is a true masterpiece in terms of design and design features. During the shaves I had so far no clogging at all, blade alignment is always spot on and the fit of head and handle is amazing. Its head design leads to an intuitive finding of the right angle and the Blackbird literally guides me across my face and neck letting me know if my angle is off or not. Nice level of audio feedback as well - although I definitely have razors that produce much more audio than this Blackbird. The 90 grams steel doesn't feel as such when shaving. It is very nimble and easy to manouvre around. I am getting better and better in obtaining stellar results.

Lambda Athena

The Athena hit the streets somewhere in 2022 and was/is an instant hit with wet shavers across the globe. It's design is one of the most gorgeous I have every seen. It is made of a nickel aluminium bronze alloy and therefore not just plain brass. I noticed some patina this morning on mine, but it is very slight and barely noticable. Theo has managed to be a staple in wet shaving and is on his way to becoming a household name similar to Blackland before him. It weighs 105 grams with a blade gap of .34mm and neutral blade exposure. On paper this might sound very mild. Even a Tech razor has some positive blade exposure. Looks can be deceiving as we by now know. Audio feedback is very present. No clogging at all thanks to the lather channels and Athena's special way of rinsing (which the Mühle Rocca also has to some extent). As with the Blackbird the Athena doesn't feel heavy during shaving. For this comparison they are in each other's ball park.

Summary of results

04.05.2024BlackbirdRubie Plus9.509.009.25
05.05.2024AthenaRubie Plus9.759.009.25

Average Blackbird SS

Average Lambda Athena


Both razors are daily drivers for me. I am in love with both their designs and the way their designers have managed to find their take on the perfect shave. The Blackbird has definitely grown on me with just 14 shaves to date compared to the 33 shaves I have had with the Athena. For both razors to come this close to each other says something about the Blackbird. I have had more consistent results with the Blackbird.

The Athena scores a weighted average of overall of 9.31 whereas the Blackbird scores 9.21. The difference is mainly due to a cleaner shave with the Athena in terms of weepers, nicks and the like during the shave. So overall the Athena wins this round, but the differences are very slim to say the least. When purely looking at the end result of the shave the Blackbird wins. In fact, based on my shave statistics the Blackbird is my most effective razor to date. There are a couple that score better, but that's based on too few observations. The Athena gets me almost the same great shave results with more comfort - although I do not mind a little blade feel (which by the way the Athena provides even though it has neutral blade exposure!).

Superb results with both razors and you cannot go wrong with either. I at least absolutely love both of them.
Has anyone measured the final gap and exposure Blackland went with? I could swear I read the exposure has been measured to be .22mm. I don't know anything about the gap.
There is a thread on the very subject (here) where the Kickstarter specs are confirmed by @Dtownvino using electronic measurement gear, but I could be misinterpreting his post there.

Exposure of .22 would place it more towards the Greencult 1.0 for me, but that razor also has a larger gap so it’s hard to tell if they are the same. I would say the exposure is way more noticeable on the Greencult (which is .25mm to be exact).

You really should take a couple of weeks and only use the Blackbird. To really get fully acclimated to it. :)
I definitely need more shaves. I do feel the razor growing on me or sinking into muscle memory if you will. I also think that for me personally the stainless version is just perfect for my technique and skin.


Enjoyed the write up. These are both razors I haven't seen except in pictures, but have been very curious about. Maybe one day I'll have the pleasure. For now the annual sabbatical will keep me safe from the temptation to splurge.
Thanks Rico! I had this one listed as my exception (well, a razor) and one came by on a local site at a very nice price.

So far my conclusion is that yes it shaves brilliantly and yes I have other razors that don’t get me that Blackbird experience but do get me the same end results.

I have been on and off the Athena waitlist many times. The titanium Blackbird is just so surprisingly good for my face (comfortably smooth and efficient), I keep thinking the Athena would less efficient. That's why I love comparison shaves. Thank you!
You’re welcome! That is at least my intention: provide some comparisons so brothers can inform themselves a bit more. This is so YMMV of course and I have seen reports of people not getting along with either their Blackbird or their Athena. The majority of experiences from both razors or razor camps if I may call it that are that both razors shave very effective indeed. I have called the Athena an enigma razor at times because how Theo did it with the specs he’s published is sometimes beyond me. His price point is also very competitive compared to what he brings to the table.

If however the TiBird works brilliantly for you (and sounds like you are using it almost exclusively) than there’s that too right? Don’t change a winning team etcetera…


So your Yates is the current gold standard for you?
I would not say it in this way, I'm still learning Yates. It takes different approach as Blackbird, bigger gap (double as Bird) and lower blade exposure (like half of Bird). End results are similar, with Blackbird shave deeper, and Yates is much more comfort, easy and skin friendly. Also Blackbird for me works best neutral to shallow, Yates complete opposite steep to neutral. Love both of them. So far probably two of my best DE razors.
Congratulations on the extremely objective comparison.
I know it's objective because I have both razors and my personal opinion is as close as possible to yours.

In practice, you get the same shave depth and BBS duration with both razors. But I get the bottom line much easier with Lambda Athena, no crying, no irritation, and very, very smooth.
Congratulations on the extremely objective comparison.
I know it's objective because I have both razors and my personal opinion is as close as possible to yours.

In practice, you get the same shave depth and BBS duration with both razors. But I get the bottom line much easier with Lambda Athena, no crying, no irritation, and very, very smooth.
Thanks! And thanks for the additional insights. Quite spot on to my experience.
There is a thread on the very subject (here) where the Kickstarter specs are confirmed by @Dtownvino using electronic measurement gear, but I could be misinterpreting his post there.

Exposure of .22 would place it more towards the Greencult 1.0 for me, but that razor also has a larger gap so it’s hard to tell if they are the same. I would say the exposure is way more noticeable on the Greencult (which is .25mm to be exact).

I definitely need more shaves. I do feel the razor growing on me or sinking into muscle memory if you will. I also think that for me personally the stainless version is just perfect for my technique and skin.


I neglected to say that I really enjoyed your write up. Thanks for the thread link. I don't know where I read the .22mm exposure. I guess I didn't question it -- not in the least -- after seeing a video from Blackland Razors regarding shallow and steep shaving angles. The graphic illustration gave me a *** reaction. Honestly, why would I want to use a razor that sticks the blade that deep into my skin? LOL So obviously, I've never used the Blackbird. But here's the thing ... there's a YouTuber named Latherhog, whose number one razor is the Blackbird. And yet his number two razor is one of my favorites. So it makes me wonder if I should get the Blackbird some day. The Athena shaves very well and I consider it a super efficient razor. Which again, because of your write up, makes me think a Blackbird will someday be in my possession.
There's nothing not to like with these two razors.

The shave sounds very similar, so I think it would come down to which razors looks turn you on more. I'm leaning towards the Blackbird on looks, but again, not by much. Overall, I'd be fine with either.

Nice write-up!👍


I shaved a fortune
I’m not sure why I don’t own a Blackbird. I think it’s because I’ve considered it too efficient for my needs. Everything I read points in that direction.

Edit: I love the efficiency of the Athena. I have several other razors in what I call the lower end of medium efficiency: the Rocnel Elites in SS and brass, the ATT Windsor SSRH, the Blutt BR-1 1.20, etc..

As a result, the Blackbird never seems to get on the “must buy” list.
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I’m not sure why I don’t own a Blackbird. I think it’s because I’ve considered it too efficient for my needs. Everything I read points in that direction.

I notice it too. Always being describe as efficient compare to high end razors. It makes me think twice that it would be too much for what I need.

It would be a hassle to return if you’re living outside CONUS like me. Thus Timeless and Athena peaks my interest. I don’t have issues doing multiple passes as long as no irritation and gives me a pleasant mindless shave.
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