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Proper english shooting attire without breaking the bank

As an American there is not much in the way of proper English shooting attire to be found around here. Sure I can blow 1500 bucks just on the outfit but no.

I am wondering is their an inexpensive line of tweed or not tweed shooting clothing found in the US or is it just going to be expensive.
Are you actually looking for some kit to wear out in the field? Or just trying to recreate the look for other times?

I would suggest that you try to find a pair of Moleskin breeks and then scour the Second-hand stores for a tweed jacket. Accessories help to make the look- a cap, checked "country" shirt and maybe a knitted tie will all add authenticity.

Good luck!
Kit for the field, both probably. There is a hunt club here I am trying to join that actually does English style driven hunts and what can I say after visiting England and probably to much Downton Abbey, I like the look even for shooting Trap and Skeet. I shoot clays for fun and as an event for myself. My shooting tastes have been getting refined as I get olde, just like my style.

I go full camo in the duckblind, though.

Try this. It matches everything. LOL
Tweed and breeks type of club. For lack of a better term is the standard english Tweedy Breeks, tie country shirt tweed vest and cap type of club.
I prefer to shoot naked. Less chance of hot brass going down the shirt or pants.
Plus, I get compliments from the women.
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