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** pics ** B&B LE 2009 prototype ** pics **

This sleek and sexy look has SWMBO exited, and I might have to buy one just for her, but as for me, I'll pass. It just looks too much like a lady's powder brush for me. I don't like "scrubby". If I want to scrub my face, I'll use other products. When I lather for shaving, I want that soft, warm, luxurious feel of silvertip badger against my face. I just have a hard time getting past that skinny waistline. I love my SWMBO that way, but not this brush!
it is pretty in black; in butterscotch, it will at least be unique and become a collector's piece. i feel that it will demand a premium soon after shipment. i think i'll participate if only for the knot. the handle is interesting, but i am in a 'chubby' mood
I am also not a fan of the style of the handle. However, I will reserve judgment until Joel reports about the quality of the brush in use.

By the way, what model Kent is the prototype next to the picture?
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I LIKE the handle!
I wasn't thinking of buying one, but now I'm calculating inside my head what I can sell to raise some money for it:lol:

EDIT: I just remembered!!!!!!! By B-day is on the 9th! Guess what I'll buy myself for it! :w00t:

EDIT 2: Will it have any B&B markings on it? I hope it will...
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Samouraï;1583488 said:
it is pretty in black; in butterscotch, it will at least be unique and become a collector's piece. i feel that it will demand a premium soon after shipment. i think i'll participate if only for the knot. the handle is interesting, but i am in a 'chubby' mood

Very nice design, but I find that I'm in a 'chubby' brush mood as well, so I'm torn. The butterscotch and mystic of the B&B LE maybe enough to draw me in - if the price is right...


My elbows leak
Staff member
I've got a brush with a similar shape, and despite the look it's quite easy and comfortable to hold.
That looks like it's going to be a big hit and I can't wait to get my paws on one.
I like it. A real beaut. I think we should unofficially call it the "Jessica". It has about the same measurements as Jessica Rabbit and no one complained about that.:wink:

Regards, Todd
I like the handle shape. Wish the knot was more fan, less bulb-like though. I wonder how close the color will be to vintage butterscotch. I doubt that's going to be easy to pull off.
in checking out people's butterscotch pics, there seems to be a very wide variation of color, from almost bright yellow to a deep amber.

personally, i think a richer, darker butterscotch color would contrast nicely with the light colored bristles and give the brush a more vintage feel...but it's just my opinion.

what do you butterscotch brush owners prefer? lighter yellow? darker amber? somewhere in between?
Nice! The outline of the handle looks a lot like that vintage ivory huge brush in drP's arsenal.

Nice and curvy... should be a beauty!

Quite a resemblance indeed...:wink:

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