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May 2024 Gentlemanly Restraint Until Month End (GRUME)

Still in and first shave of the May GRUME. Wasn’t going to shave but opted for some me time so a shave it was

Pre-Shave: Hot Face Wash
Razor: GD 66 6/8 straight razor
Brush: QED Select 3526 Manchurian Badger
Soap: SV Manna Di Sicilia

Post-Shave: Alum BlockSV Manna Di Sicilia AS Lotion
Bart’s Balm ASB

Cracking shave 👌👌👌

Day 5, 16.1% complete

Preshave: Hot washcloth
Soap: Palmolive Stick, made into a puck
Brush: Yaqi 24mm synthetic cashmere
Razor: Rockwell 6S R5, Ti Handle, Wilkinson #5
Bowl: Turkish copper
Post-shave: Nivea Balm

Palmolive day again. I got an excellent lather, and an easy near-BBS. Modern Wilkinson blades are only average for me, but the Rockwell gets a comfortable shave out of them.

:badger:I saw a badger in the evening, after dark. It emerged cautiously under a fence, from tree cover. It was going to cross the road, saw me, and went back.
Still in, still lots going on here, when will it slow down? Shaving mainly wirh my Tech and Feather, but had a travel shave with a two blade Gillette Disposable a few days ago. It was like my (lost) Trac II. I shaved as I always did with the Trac II, but half way through realized that I always used too steep an angle with that razor. I switch to a shallower angle and got a closer shave.

366 daily shaves

Mühle Rocca R94Gillette Rubie Plus (11)Mühle Rocca M94
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
TGS Savage (10)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9.5/10 (Very small red spot)6/10 (Razor sharp)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
9/10 (Butterysmooth)


Summary. Mühle Mondays. I freakin’ love this razor
. Blissful shave today!

For extended shave notes click here.

Enjoy your shave!
Still in.....

Evening shave - 5/4/24
Razor: RazoRock Mentor
Blade: Derby Premium (4/5) (6)
Soap: BSS #1
Brush: Omega 10065 Boar
Aftershave: AV Musk
Rating: 9.75/10, DFS++
Top notch shave! It was a fantastic Saturday evening shave! Super smooth and not a lick of irritation. What a great finish on this blade.

Evening shave - 5/5/24
Razor: Matador de Luxe
Blade: Derby Premium (5/5) (1)
Soap: BSS #1 (single lye)
Brush: Omega 81052 Banded Boar
Aftershave: Skin Bracer
Rating: 9.75/10, DFS++
Back to the mighty Matador razor. This razor was awesome when I used it last and it sure did not disappoint this time either. Very efficient and it could easily be used as a two pass razor and do just fine.
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