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Are You Mocked For Your Shaving Choice and Hobby?

As the title says, are you mocked, teased, kidded, ridiculed because of your decision to use and perhaps (probably) collect DE blades and safety razors, soaps and creams and brushes?
I'm about 6 months into this journey and I'm surprised that if I mention my newest passion to friends or relatives, they give me a thousand-yard stare and sort of mutter, "Mmmmm. Well, okay."
I've added a birth year and other vintage Gillettes to my little razor arsenal and you would think people would at least appreciate the historical aspects of it. But noooooo! They kind of clear their throats and switch the subject to sports or something. 🤣
Even my wife, who isn't retired yet or have any real hobbies, rolls her eyes when I bring up a new purchase.
"That's nice, dear." 🙄
I mean, I'm only being half serious here. I don't really care all that much what people think. I got over that years ago, when I was in my youth. But nonetheless, I'm a little surprised that more people, particularly men, don't express at least some interest in me choosing safety razors over cartridges or electric shavers after all these years. I'm the naturally curious type, so had I been engaged in a conversation with someone about the subject years ago, I would have been all ears.
So here I am being curious again, wondering if any of you guys find that your friends have zero interest in this hobby/pursuit/interest or if you've been joined in brotherhood with a friend or two or if you just reached the conclusion years ago that we're all anomalies in this modern age of plastic razors and left it at that. 🤣

Your’e not alone and its pretty normal for others not to understand our hobby. It goes both ways anyways.

Besides just look at how many of us are into wet shaving. I’m sure time will come when you will meet someone with the same passion.
One thing I learned in life as I get older. I don’t give a crap on what others think as long as it makes me happy. Life is too short, enjoy it while we can.

Cheers to more shaving to come.


I shaved a fortune
I have that little nickname under my SN for a reason... A typo, true... but I have shaved a fortune. <eg>... and enjoyed the scenery along the way of this wet shaving journey immensely.

I have ummmmm more than one razor and brush; a selection of DE and AC blades, less than 10 unscented soaps. I'm not a collector but I am a hobbyist.
I have a small selection of shave gear and look forward to my daily shave but I have never considered it a 'hobby'. I don't pursue birth year razors etc. Last year I was in London and didn't even bother to visit the famous shops on Jermyn Street.

What drew me to wet shaving was my search for a more comfortable way of shaving. I think only my wife and parents and my brother know that I use traditional methods for shaving my face. I have never discussed it with friends or my colleagues at work.
And I would tell them, "The wrong one!"
I often feel I was born maybe 70 years late, should have been the 1930s or something instead. 😂
My mom and my Nana used to say I was an old soul, born in the wrong decade. I collect vintage toys from the 70s and 80s, I like old computers and electronics, and I go in for places like B&B. I reckon they were right. :laugh:
Who cares what someone spends their money on?
If they do, that's their problem not yours.
Someone mocking you for how you shave? Good grief, get a life!
My wife is the only one who know of my love of DE shaving and newfound hobby of collecting vintage razors. Since she loves looking at vintage furniture that costs considerably more than my growing collection of vintage Gillettes, she's got NOTHING to complain about. :D
As the title says, are you mocked, teased, kidded, ridiculed because of your decision to use and perhaps (probably) collect DE blades and safety razors, soaps and creams and brushes?
I'm about 6 months into this journey and I'm surprised that if I mention my newest passion to friends or relatives, they give me a thousand-yard stare and sort of mutter, "Mmmmm. Well, okay."
I've added a birth year and other vintage Gillettes to my little razor arsenal and you would think people would at least appreciate the historical aspects of it. But noooooo! They kind of clear their throats and switch the subject to sports or something. 🤣
Even my wife, who isn't retired yet or have any real hobbies, rolls her eyes when I bring up a new purchase.
"That's nice, dear." 🙄
I mean, I'm only being half serious here. I don't really care all that much what people think. I got over that years ago, when I was in my youth. But nonetheless, I'm a little surprised that more people, particularly men, don't express at least some interest in me choosing safety razors over cartridges or electric shavers after all these years. I'm the naturally curious type, so had I been engaged in a conversation with someone about the subject years ago, I would have been all ears.
So here I am being curious again, wondering if any of you guys find that your friends have zero interest in this hobby/pursuit/interest or if you've been joined in brotherhood with a friend or two or if you just reached the conclusion years ago that we're all anomalies in this modern age of plastic razors and left it at that. 🤣
I am about 5 months into the hobby and I went nuts on ebay, buying so many. Eventually I settled down to collecting just the super speeds. My wife mocked me for spending so much on all these "old things". So we sat down and I showed her the cost comparison of safety razors vs cartridge. She uses Gillette Venus. Once I was able to show that when I added up the price paid for all 20 of my safety razors was still less than she paid for hers, she quit the mockery. As such, when her current supply of cartridges ends, I will be giving her my Black Beauty.
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