Razor: RazoRock BBS Standard HD (120)
Blade: Perma-Sharp Super (3)
Preshave: Hot shower; VDH Shave butter
Lather: VDH Shave butter
Aftershave: Cold water rinse;
No nicks; No irritation; Very Close; Very Smooth; Very Pleasant DFS+ shave.
DC Cosmetics v95
Unknown German blade (it says “stainless” and “ made in e.u.” on it) not its first shave.
Gylcerin pre-shave
Momma Bear soap sample (unk scent, got from pif and writing wore off wrapper).
Blade was good (last shave for it) and soap was very nice, I just didn’t have enough of it for my head and ran thin at the end. Made it though.
Great BBS shave, no complaints or drama. I like no drama…