To be honest I keep in high regard all the fellow shavers saying that they use a blade 15 times without noticing any difference.Was thinking my Beard was sort of mild but the last THREE days of Shaves. I am thinking differently. Let me explain my reasoning. As the LAST THREE DAYS I use what I consider Premium Blade. The Gillette 7-O-Clock Black pictured below. Razor Pre-War Fat Handle Gillette Tech.
First two Shave were like homers, out of the park Grand Slams. Today I got the feeling my Beard is loosing the battle of the Blade. This Premium Blade is getting dull. Feeling my face 10 hours post shave, face feels like 220 Sandpaper.
Starting to think my Beard is not like I have previously thought, MILD & SOFT. It is a Tough Beard, and I have decide to no longer push Blades for extra Shaves. I need to change out Blade more frequently to get a Great Shave. JMHO
Anyone else experience this?
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For me, BBS or nothing every day.
The highest number of time I used a blade is perhaps six times with a KAI blade.
Normally 2/3 times (or even 1 with the Treet Platinums) is the maximum .. after that, they don’t cut as required