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Tuck at a Time (TaaT)

Morning Shave - 10/16/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Mentor
Blade: BIC Astor (3)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Brut After Shave
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9.5/10 (DFS++)
Shave Rating: 9.75/10
Very comfortable shave this morning with the BIC Astor and the RR Mentor. It was certainly more efficient than the previous shave with the RR Tech II and in short order it delivered and nice close shave. No redness nor a weeper in sight. It was a great shave. No complaints.

Mike M

...but this one IS cracked.
Finished the last shave with the Rapira Platinum Lux blade, and as that was my last Rapira Platinum Lux blade tomorrow I will line up a new blade, which at the moment will be a tuck of Ming-shi blades unless I change my mind between now and then
Morning Shave - 10/17/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Mentor
Blade: BIC Astor (4)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Clubman VIBR
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 10/10 (BBS)
Shave Rating: 10/10
Wohoo BBS! Oh yes now we are talkin'! Fantastic smooth shave this morning. Blade is still going strong and the razor is easy to use as well. No complaints just smooth goodness.

Razor: Yates 921-EH
Blade: Nacet (1/5) (2)
Brush: Maseto synthetic
Soap: Twoface Brothers - Khingan Mountains
A/S: The House of Kwong Sang Hong, Two Girls - Florida Water
EdT: Fées Beauté - Reims Vetiver

Finished this Nacet blade which I had left over from Monday's shave when the KAI blade wouldn't fit in the Blackbird. Lovely combination with the Yates 921 and the EH plate. BBS- in two passes WTG with some ATG touchups. Very minimal aftershave feedback. No surprises with the Nacet, it's an excellent blade which works well in all the razors I tried it in.

Monday will be aggressive Monday when I tackle three days of growth with a KAI in the R41. I fear that might be a bit on the danger side, but maybe I'll just do one pass.
There are some people who are prepared for a Blade Drought, I am happy I am not a Blade Hoarder. I tend too open a Mini Box (TUCK) of 5 ore 10 blades unless they are awful, use the 5 - 10 blade until gone then move on.

Not being fussy, only going for beard removal of days growth, I do not chase perfect shave, or BBS Shave. Shaving is enough of a chore daily, I try not to make a big deal of, or over think the process to the point of being obsessed with results I can not achieve because of old skin, and beard thickness, growth patterns, etc.

Only thing I have ever chased seek perfection was Perfect Wave in youth that product memorial SurfBoard Ride. Had a few, had many where everything went wrong that could go wrong. Memories of great ride are imbedded in my mind.

Razor: Mühle R41 on DSC Destroyer Ti handle
Blade: KAI (2/5) (1)
Brush: ARNO 28mm, Silvertip Badger, Galactic Halberd
Cream: Speick Shaving Cream
A/S: POLA - Galantom II after shave lotion
EdT: Bleu De Chanel

First pass was tuggy all over. I think I got the angles wrong and went a bit steep. Second pass was much better when I concentrated on maintaining a 30 degree angle. Or maybe the KAI is not such a good first with the R41.

I got a DFS out of it nevertheless, and although I was bit apprehensive using the KAI in the R41 it all went quite well. Uneventful and mediocre. Well, good enough to look clean shaven, even if I do feel some stubble still standing.
Evening Shave - 10/20/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: Maggard V3
Blade: BIC Astor (5)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Brut After Shave
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9.5/10 (DFS++)
Shave Rating: 9.75/10
Sublime shave! Might have something to do with that I have not shaved for three days also. Very nice indeed and very close to BBS. Super smooth and awesome shave. No irritation whatsoever.
Evening Shave - 10/21/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Lupo 72SB
Blade: Bolzano Superinox Inossidabile (1)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Skin Bracer
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9.5/10 (DFS++)
Shave Rating: 9.75/10
Very nice first shave with this new to me razor. Efficient, but at the same time very easy to use. Blade performed very well as well. Plenty sharp for the task. No irritation just shaving goodness.

Razor: Yintal Bronze V1
Blade: KAI (2/5) (2)
Brush: Mühle Purist, Silvertip Badger, Ebonite
Soap: Smoking Monster - Golden Dragon (tallow)
A/S: Twoface Brothers - Original Aftershave Lotion
EdP: Tom Ford - Oud Wood

My first shave with the Yintal Bronze V1. When I initially ordered this very cheap razor (about USD 10 including the stand, a tuck of Yintal blades, and faux leather pouch), Yintal sent me a razor with their V2 (i.e. newer) head, which is a completely different design. After contacting them, they told me that they haven't updated their product page, but that they would look in their warehouse for a V1 head. A day later they told me they have the V1 head on stock and sent it to me free of charge; they only asked that I covered about USD 1 for shipping; Yintal is based in Shenzhen where I also live, hence the low shipping cost. Now, I have the Yintal bronze with both V1 and V2 heads. Outstanding service.

The KAI worked quite well in the V1 Yintal, but I immediately realized the very pronounced noise the blade made with each stroke. In fact, it was so loud that I had to double check whether the blade was clamped properly and if it had any chatter. But everything seemed okay - the blade edge was straight and the overhang even. I continued to shave and had a pretty good DFS+ result. I'm still not entirely sure whether the V1 needs a more shallow or steep angle, but that is something I'll find out with subsequent shaves.

Overall not bad at all for a razor which cost USD10. I'm pretty sure the KAI blade had a lot to do with this good result.
Morning Shave - 10/23/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Lupo 72SB
Blade: Bolzano Superinox Inossidabile (2)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: AV Classic
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9.5/10 (DFS++)
Shave Rating: 9.75/10
Another great shave with this combination. It was pretty much identical to the shave from previous day. I did have a little bit of short stubble left under my chin otherwise it was BBS all over. No complaints.
Morning Shave - 10/24/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Tech II
Blade: Bolzano Superinox Inossidabile (3)
Soap: BSS #1
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Clubman Whiskey Woods
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9/10 (DFS+)
Shave Rating: 9.5/10
I used a milder razor this morning and the shave was not quite as close as previous shave, but it was a fantastically comfortable shave. Very much a serviceable shave. No issues.

Razor: Yaqi Mellon DOC
Blade: KAI (3/5) (1)
Brush: ARNO 26mm, Mulan-1, 2 band badger, Heliotrope Stone
Shavestick: LaToja
A/S: Old Spice - Classic
Aftercare: Aloe Vera Gel
EdP: Tom Ford - Lost Cherry

That KAI worked extremely well in the Mellon DOC. BBS-, but only because a little stubble is felt ATG. This razor is incredibly efficient yet smooth and I can't believe that the head costs like USD 5 - it's the zamak version. Actually, that Yaqi handle costs three times that. Basically, a 20 Dollar razor which shaves absolutely amazing, and really shines with the good blades.
Morning Shave - 10/25/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Tech II
Blade: Bolzano Superinox Inossidabile (4)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Clubman Citrus Musk
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9.5/10 (DFS++)
Shave Rating: 9.75/10
Very nice and close shave this morning. Oh so close to BBS! The blade and razor is performing stellar and I have no complaints. No irritation either. It has been a great shave week so far.

Razor: Gillette NEW Long Comb
Blade: KAI (3/5) (2)
Brush: ARNO 26mm, G5 synthetic, Classic #12
Soap: Smoking Monster - Phoenix Mountain
A/S: Twoface Brothers - Original Aftershave Lotion
EdP: Byredo - Oud Immortel

It's almost sacrilege to put a KAI blade into a vintage Gillette razor, but it shaves oh' so well. The blade overhang on the sides wasn't even though, but when I checked the blade was properly secured and the edges seemed to be straight on both sides of the combs. The razor shaved good and I didn't feel any blade chatter or anything else amiss. I guess the KAI just stuck out a bit more because it's larger width.

The shave was smooth and very comfortable and an easy BBS was achieved in two passes. Very impressive for a razor of that age. The KAI is a very good match with this vintage razor...psst! Don't tell the others. Mum's the word. 😜
Evening Shave - 10/26/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: Maggard V3
Blade: Bolzano Superinox Inossidabile (5)
Soap: Palmolive Sensitive Shave Cream
Brush: RazoRock Hive 24
Aftershave: Clubman Jeris Osage Rub
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9.5/10 (DFS++)
Shave Rating: 9.75/10
Oh heavenly shave! That was a wonderful one! Uber smooth and so comfortable. Very efficient and would have been a BBS, but for a few short stragglers. It was a very long lasting shave as well so very close shave. This is how all shaves should be.

Morning Shave - 10/28/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Old Type
Blade: Super-Max Super Stainless (Green) (1)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Hive 24
Aftershave: Clubman Lustray Blue Spice
Shave Comfort: 9/10 (Tightness)
Shave Quality: 8/10 (DFS)
Shave Rating: 8.5/10
What a difference from the last shave and not in a good way. This blade did not feel very sharp which caused me to buff and run over areas more that they should have. This resulted in a bit of a irritation. Given all of that I still did not have a very close shave. Not a good start on a new blade. We will see what the week holds.
Morning Shave - 10/29/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Old Type
Blade: Super-Max Super Stainless (Green) (2)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Hive 24
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 8/10 (DFS)
Shave Rating: 9/10
Very similar shave as compared to yesterday's, but without any irritation so that is good. Still I am struggling to get a close shave with this combination. This razor is a challenge to do this as well so it is not entirety the blade's fault. Tomorrow I will use a more efficient razor so we will see.

Razor: Yaqi Harlequin on Razorock UFO handle
Blade: KAI (4/5) (1)
Brush: Maseto synthetic
Soap: Noble Otter - Logbook
A/S: Murphy & McNeil - Magh Tured aftershave balm
Parfum: Afnan - Supremacy in Oud

I do like the KAI blades, but they are in a way a special blade due to their different dimensions. Today's shave was a bit more on the aggressive side and I do feel a bit of tenderness. BBS it was though.

For me the KAI is a blade which works very well in milder razors and it isn't really a blade for daily use. I still have a couple of shaves to go for a final verdict, but my current impression is that it is one of those blades where having a tuck or two in the drawer isn't a bad idea, for when the mood for a milder razor strikes.

We'll go a bit milder for the next three shaves until this tuck is completed.
Morning Shave - 10/30/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Lupo 72SB
Blade: Super-Max Super Stainless (Green) (3)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Hive 24
Aftershave: Clubman Special Reserve
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9.5/10 (DFS++)
Shave Rating: 9.75/10
That was so much better shave! What a difference a different razor makes. Blade felt completely adequate in this razor and it was nice and smooth. No problem getting the great majority of my face to a BBS level. I just had a few short stubble areas left. No irritation. Great shave.
Morning Shave - 10/31/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Lupo 72SB
Blade: Super-Max Super Stainless (Green) (4)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Hive 24
Aftershave: Brut After Shave
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9.5/10 (DFS++)
Shave Rating: 9.75/10
Even better and even closer than yesterday's shave! I was very close to rating this shave as a BBS. I did find some very short stubble in one spot under my chin so I could not, but nonetheless a fantastic shave. The blade is slowing down a bit, but not enough to still get great shaves. I have no doubt that this blade will not make it through the week. No irritation just smooth goodness.
I’m in! After a successful Tabactober made even better by sticking with a single blade throughout (Indian Wilkie, which is great), I think this approach will work for me. It’ll be more of the tortoise, however, than the hare, as I’ve settled into a comfortable rhythm using one blade a week. I’ll try to check in here every month or so, at least, when I finish a tuck. First up, knocking out the rest of these Wilkies over the next couple weeks, before starting in on the other open tucks I have in my drawer.
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