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How often do you shave?

Usually 6 days a week with a day off on the weekend. WTG and XTG passes plus touch-up, occasional third ATG if everything goes well and I'm feeling it, but most days 2 is enough as irritation occurs quite easily for me.
As I have aged the growth rate seems to have sped up.
Everyday, two or three passes. I was raised learning that you shall be well shaved, have your hair proper cut, polished shoes.
Everyday, 2 passes. Sometimes, like today miss cause of lack of time in the morning and I dont like to shave in evening, but try to keep it everyday routine.
Every other day ideally, every day tends to irritate my skin as I have dry skin and so if I were to shave daily I would need some very good balm. During each shave I can generally do 2 passes 1 wtg and another atg it dose me fine and possibly a touch up if I am going for a super clean shave, my method works for me it's just how I do business.
Depends on my schedule. For a comfortable week I shave every other day. There are some weeks I have to shave everyday and my face gets pretty irritated. Though I am still trying to find the right blade for my Tradere SB and seems the Kai and Feathers are gentle enough on my face that I can shave everyday.. At least for two shaves per blade. I suffer from Tough Beard/Baby Skin
Every day, 2-3 passes for me. It's very rare for me to skip a day.

My beard is not terribly coarse, but it grows quickly. I think if I were to go 5-6 days, I'd be mistaken for part of the Robertson clan on Duck Dynasty :O
Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Sunday is always a three pass + touch up BBS shave. Tuesday and Thursday are 3 pass shaves, but more like DFS. Sunday is new blade day too.
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