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Revisting an unfinished can of shave gel

Well, I've had this half-used container of shave gel that I haven't used in over a year since getting into TWS, just sitting there starring at me... since I just didn't want throw it out, I decided to use, with a caveat... Bowl lathering!

Set up...

Razor: GFS Syntesi great comfortable Autopilot razor. YMMV
Blade: Personna Comfort Coat
Shave Gel: Store brand gel for sensitive skin
Bowl: The Shavebowl. Great bowl!
Brush: Omega Hi-Brush

I spayed my usual amount in the bowl as I would use on my hands to lather, knowing that was not a "shave soap", I saturated my brush, with less water than I would normally would and began to lather. I added just a little bit more water as I continued to lather to the point that it was hydrated, but not runny, or drippy.

Once I was satisfied on the consistency of the lather, I dehydrated my face with cold water (cold/lukewarm water shaver here). I proceeded to lather my face. I was pleasantly surprised how we) it felt.

Grabbed my razor and proceeded yo shave. It provided enough slickness each pass. After the first pass was finished, I relathered for pass 2 (WTG/ATG) If I go for 3-pass, its 2xATG)). I finished after the second pass. Used my aluminum block and got minimal to no feedback.

I strive for DFS or SAS as going for BBS will result in ingrown nightmare.

I will continue to do this once I finish this can (hopefully soon) so it will not stare at me with a frown 😒...

Has anyone else experience this with bowl lathering Shave gels?

As always YMMV...

I haven't done it. To me, if it is slick and wet already, Like Cremo or Barbasol with some water, I am not going to work it. I lather so the soap stays hydrated, slick, and stays in place. If a product doesn't need work to get those properties, then I dont do the work.
Last time I used a shaving gel or cream was on a 12 hrs plus long distance flight where it was part of the amenity kit.

Yes, one can shave with this stuff.
No, I will not repeat the exercise until I have to.

I enjoy whipping up a nice, creamy lather too much.

Canned goo (foam or gel) can work. Millions of men use it. If I have to use it, I face lather with my trusty old boar.

Might I be so bold as to suggest that your improved skill with a razor contributed to the final result? Since I joined this forum, and the few discussions I've had with others in the real world, I have realised men were usually not shown how to shave. Many just got a cart and canned goo and tried what they saw on adverts. As we should know, the ads are there to show the razor, not how to shave.

As an aside, I don't recommend using goo with a straight regardless of how it's applied to the face. I have tried a couple of times and it is not something I am in a hurry to try again.
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