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How often do you shave?

SIX out of SEVEN days per week I shave On the one day I don't shave, I use the time to deal with unsightly, erroneous hairs growing around ears, on and around nostrils, and around hair line using tweezers, or an electric shaver, and/or occasionally wax.
I shave every day. Especially since starting DE shaving. Cartridge shaving was getting so old. Having to beat the razor on the sink to get the whiskers out was a pain. Now a quick swish in the water and my DE razor is clean and ready to go again. Plus the ritual of the pre shave wash, making the lather and the aftershave routine is enjoyable.
I think I'll go shave.
3 years ago when i could work and shave properly, i was shaving every other day. My facial fur takes 2 days or so for me to feel or see i have some. My shaving was my choice to do and i enjoy doing it, not a work requirement.

The past 4 months or so i have been shaving about every 3 days. But i've been trying to shave every 2 days (is my mathing correct?) I shaved friday to add a last january GRUME shave. And today my beard is long enough to feel and see but with my family being all home today i might not be able to shave for a few reasons.

I hope to shave today but feel tomorrow will be my shave day. And hopefully get back to every other day.


Slickness is a sickness
Face, every other day. Mainly because I'm retired, and my beard doesn't grow fast enough to warrant any every day shave.

Working in management, for me the norm was a shirt, tie, and daily shave. When I moved to engineering and logistics, it was a different time and a much more relaxed work environment, so I shaved every 2-3 days.

Head, every fourth day. I could go more frequently, but don't want to bother.
I recently recommitted to daily shaving. In part to use up supplies and in part to always be presentable and not be caught off guard.

One thing that kicked me to switch gears was meeting an old work colleague from years ago whom I’ve only known as clean shaven, but not this time. It wasn’t a favorable look.
Yeah. I've noticed that amongst some retired gents who look unkempt and kind of scruffy.
Am 65 and currently on medical leave, although I'm retiring at the end of the month. Have been shaving 5-6 times per week throughout my work career as a business professional - Monday through Friday and perhaps Sunday. Since being off, I'm shaving every 2-3 days because it's a hassle. Once I get full use of both arms, I'll likely shave every other day.
Primarily work from home overseeing a global program and supporting my East Coast team from the Left Coast.

I shave 4-5x per week dependent on site visit needs or event scheduling. I find myself shaving mostly in the afternoon now to be socially acceptable for my 6am meetings.
I am 73 and shave every other day with a few exceptions. When I get excited about trying out a new product or a different technique I shave daily. Really look forward to shaves. Nothing compares to a shave using one of my vintage Gillette razors and a Nacet blade. I have my technique down so that I always get very close, smooth and comfortable shaves now. Never a nick and no razor burn now that I got the technique, angles, pressure and passes down. Enjoy soaps of different scents whipped up using a high quality synthetic brush.

Also, enjoy reading everyone else's experiences here at B & B (Living the dream here in the Black Hills of South Dakota)
Generally every 3-4 days sometimes pushing it to a 5th day. My skin seems to do better this way vs when I was shaving every other day. And my wife prefers when I have some scruff.
I've always been able to allow some scruff, never was a daily shaver. It wasn't necessary and shaving wasn't fun. Multiple days of growth with carts./disposables was gross and miserable. So, less shaving. And never really learned to shave well.

Started wet shaving about nine months ago. Since then shaving has been about self-care and fun. I like daily shaving because it's fun and because the daily shave is sort of an ideal. But as my technique has improved and I've got good razors, etc., my shaves have got closer, more efficient. I think my razors like a second day of growth, and my skin likes a day off too. So most of my shaving is every other day.

I like the idea of daily shaving but I think alternate days is my way.
IMHO, the skin being ready fo the next shave is the most important condition for a great shave.
I shave every day for work, but over time, I’ve realized that if I do shave every day, one pass is all my sensitive skin will tolerate. My technique is at the point where I can still get a really nice CCS+ or DFS- with just one pass and touch ups.
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