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An idea that might make sense, I would like to hear your opinion

Welcome to the Badger&Blade forum...

This is an interesting idea. But because i might not be manly enough my facial fur practically falls out of my face as i put a razor to my face. And before my annoying disabilities developed shaving only took minutes which most of the time was me preparing the lather and doing the alum and aftershave balm or whatever. And if i didn't change blades i think a blade would last me half a year... hahaha...

But i have read and learned on B&B that some men are very manly and need tree shears (?) to shave becuse their facial fur is thick and rough.

Your idea makes a lot of sense to me. And what i tap next has been replied about already, some members use multiple razors for different passes or touch ups or they are fortunate to have different razors and want to use them all as much as possible.

Or did i just tap my reply through my dairy-aire like i seem to do a lot of the time... lol...
But i have read and learned on B&B that some men are very manly and need tree shears (?) to shave becuse their facial fur is thick and rough.

There was a former member that IIRC used three different razors, each with a different brand of blade. Each pass had its own dedicated razor+blade combo. That seemed pretty fussy to me, but everyone is free to come up with their own system.

Some people use an adjustable razor and change the setting for the ATG pass.
@NorthernSoul i have an adjustable Gillette. And without wanting to or some days not able to shave i have been adjusting the razor for the WTG and ATG passes i do. Wider 3-5 WTG and 1 on the ATG.

And you are correct choose our system and have at it.
Welcome to B&B! I see you joined around a week ago.

What is your basis for the underlying assumption that blade utility and wear are different for ATG versus WTG/XTG passes? In all these cases the blade is still slicing through the same hairs. I haven't noticed any difference in my blades ability to perform between the different pass types. The only thing that could accelerate wear is a difference in blade angle in relation to the hairs with a more horizontal angle reducing the surface area of the cut.

Overall your recommendation seems to add a lot of complexity to the shaving process. While I rotate among three razors I use a single razor for all shaves during the life of the blade installed. Make my decision to rotate razors in conjunction with blade changes.
I don't know if blade wear and utility are different for ATG versus WTG/XTG. But the angle of the blade to the hair definitely isn't the same with WTG and ATG. With that in mind, I have noticed that many people with sensitive skin complain that it is ATG pass that causes them irritation due to the higher resistance of the hair and possibly an already dull razor. I thought that at least half of the problem could be solved by using a new blade for the third pass.
Welcome to the forum. Also nice to kick things off with a thought-provoking topic.

I often use two razors in a shave, but seldom use the same razor set for consecutive shaves. Also, I'm the counter example to sensitive skin. So I probably won't be contributing much to testing your idea.

If it works well for you, bravo! Sharing experiences, innovations, and experimenting is a a big part of my enjoyment of this community. Thanks!
For me, I have never shaved in the generic directions. Why , well as we all should all faces, skin, stubble type (thin, thick..) , stubble densed, stubble growth direction are different.
Also adding technique, razor used , blade used, and overall shave process impacts the shave (quality/consisency) , skin and the blade.
Try to shave your face efficiently is a good direction to target. But think for over shave results, not for the blades life.
Being smart, open and creative to go after your target goal, I believe is good thing (YMMV).
Now I am still surprised, that no one really mentions face stubbl maps. Why, once you do it, you should have a much better understanding of stubble. Barbers have face map they use for shaving.

Mine is a similar map but I have it specific to my stubble direction. I use this naturally for my SR and DE shave.
So if you shaving with your basic WTG/ATG/XTG...
And it works, good !
But if you have good techinque and it is not working for your.
Be open, creative, smart and safe.
So again I will use my;
Different Faces > Different Cases.
Learn as you shave..
Hope it was not a long ramble and hope it is helpful..


According to Bruce Lee, a teacher is "never a giver of truth; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that each student must find for himself.".
  • Individualized learning: Each student must actively seek their own understanding and truth.
  • Guidance, not dictation: A teacher's job is to provide direction and support, not impose answers.
  • Empowerment:By encouraging self-exploration, the teacher empowers students to take ownership of their learning.



Collecting wife bonus parts
I use one razor and one blade for each shave because I’m lazy. But there are no rules for shaving. Do what you like and what works for you.
I've tried two different razors during a shave. Results - mixed. I now just use one.

Try it and see if it works for you.

First of all, I want to greet you all and say that I am honored to be a part of this great community.

I want to ask a question that has been bothering me for some time. Maybe it's stupid, maybe there was already similar thread, I googled it and couldn't find anything. I posted a topic on another forum and opinions are quite divided. Here's the thing:

I assume most of you use one razor and one blade for every single shave. Depending on the thickness of the hair and the number of passes with each shave, the blade can last 1 shave for someone, or 10 shaves for someone else. For those of you who do ATG pass, I assume you discard the blade when it is no longer able to do an ATG pass, although it could certainly do at least one more single WTG pass.

It's harder to do an ATG pass without irritation than a WTG, right? Also, it becomes worse if the blade has already been used a couple of times.

So I was wondering wouldn't it be fine to have one separate razor with new blade that would be used just for ATG pass, in the addition to the existing one that you will use only for WTG/XTG. Let's say that man with average beard density and thickness can get abt 4 comfortable ATG passes from one blade: one side, the other side, flip the blade and repeat it. After that, your blade isn't good anymore for ATG pass, but still can do a few more WTG passes, so switch this blade to the razor you use for WTG/XTG pass, and put new blade in your "ATG razor". That way, you always do ATG pass with a new blade, so there is less chance of getting irritation or drag feel.

Ofc, this way extends the life of the single blade, which can have negligible economic advantages, as well as an impact on waste reduction. But my basic idea is that using a new blade first couple of shaves only for the ATG pass could significantly reduce irritation and increase the chances of getting comfortable BBS shave for people with sensitive skin.

I understand that it's maybe too complicated for someone to switch the razors during the shave, and I'm not giving anyone any advice, this is just my idea, and I'm interested in your honest opinion. Thanks in advance.
I have the same problem with my thick hair, instead of changing the razor or the blade in the middle of the shave for the ATG, you just use new blade on every shave, do the WTG and XTG on one side of the razor, and the other side for ATG. you can then toss the blade after the first use.
On my tests i realised that i have more chances to get irritation when i use a blade for the 2nd time.

No matter how sharp or good or premium your blade is, starting from the first pass, the blade starts to get chipped and cracks appear on the blade edge which causes irritation. the worse is when you leave the blade for couple of days after use and use it again, that's the worse scenario.
(more on that issue here: https://www.science.org/content/article/your-hair-can-crack-steel-when-it-hits-right-spot )

Using a new blade for each shave, half of it for WTG and XTG and the other half for ATG reduces the chances of getting irritation and gives you the best and most hygienic shave. no more worrying about cleaning the blade after use and how you gonna store it, when last time you use it. all blades are so cheap it doesn't worth it to use the same blade again. if you want to keep a healthy and soft skin, don't use the same blade again.
For me using the same blade again and again is like wearing the same underwear and socks again and again everyday. or not showering everyday and keeping the same clothes.
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