yeah me too! the hair grows down and then swooshes to the side near my adams apple and if I go XTG there I can definitely get some irritation so I just go ATG and thats it.I am sure there are those that can perceive the slight difference, but after blind testing, I may not be one who can. The risk-reward (comfort- efficiency) band is narrow.
So far, I have tried Astra SP, Naset, and Kai blades in each - two blades, two razors, and unknown to me which is which prior to staring. Four times I picked the + as the more comfortable (mild feeling), three times I thought the ++ was the more comfortable, and twice I could not perceive a difference. Definitely grasping to detect a difference. I have to conclude that I am the bigger variable (nuisance variable) than the razors. Alum testing produced similar results as did my measure of shave quality. I was hoping a favorite would emerge.
I will continue with Kai for three more shaves and then move to Feather, but I am to the point where I don't think my opinion will change.
From what I have heard, the step from ++ to +++ is more apparent.
I think many of us have problems in that area. My hair grows sideways and inward in that area and trying for BBS there (ATG) will lead to discomfort - not a worth it for me on a daily basis.
I will try Feather blades early next week after a few more shaves with Kai. I am most impressed so far with Kai, but I am only one shave in.