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Question about where to buy

I'm pretty new to shaving with a safety razor and really enjoying it. I'm looking into picking up a few more items (brush & mug, etc) but am not sure where to find them. I bought my razor at Pasteur's Pharmacy in NYC, and they were great, but I live out on Long Island (Suffolk Co.) and am not near Pasteur's frequently. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good place near me, or how to go about finding one? I'm a "shop local" kind of guy, so I'd prefer finding a place here before turning to online ordering.
Unfortuantely, shopping local is not a good option for wet shaving supplies in most parts of the country. I can usually find some CO Bigelow aka Proraso at the local shopping mall at Bath and Body Works (whether that qualifies as local is debatable) or a small pack of overpriced blades and cheap aftershave at a local drug store but that's about the extent of it. Have had good luck getting some handmade mugs to store shaving soap from a local potter at good prices so you might check to see if there are any pottery studios near you. Some of the better known online stores are West Coast Shaving, Maggard Razors, and The Superior Shave all of whom I have had good experiences with. Plenty of artisan soap and aftershave makers out there are well.
Thanks guys. I had a feeling that might be the answer. I've also managed to track down a store called Lee's Safety Razors in Jericho, which isn't particularly close to me, but I might take a drive to. At the very least it might help someone else looking at this thread.

I'll keep poking around for something local and start looking at the online shops too. Thanks for the recommendations, and of course, I welcome any other responses.
Honestly the best place to get stuff is usually online. Lees is a bit of an exception because they carry a wide range, but even then its often cheaper to buy elsewhere. Amazon, Italian barber (if you place an order over $60 for free shipping), eBay, BST are all good bets for low prices, among other stores.
Hello and welcome to B&B. This is a great forum full of friendly, helpful shavers. You'll learn a lot here.

I agree that on-line may be the best way to go. Simple to do and product arrives at your door.
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