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Newbie ready to join the big leagues

After shaving for a while with DE razors, I'm ready to step it up to straights. I have a couple different razors on their way purchased from B&B members. I've read many of the various newbie questions regarding shaving with straights but still have a question I didn't find an answer to. When shaving with DE razors I always got a better shave when my beard was a little longer. For me that's 3-4 days growth. My question is would that hold true with straights? Is there an advantage to a longer or shorter beard when starting out for the first time with a straight razor? I will be doing all the recommended pre-shave prep but want to give myself every advantage for a good straight razor shave experience and not end up looking like scarface.

Thanks in advance for any pearls of wisdom.
Crud. I just found my answer in another thread. I need to tighten up my search skills. Sorry to clog up the forum with an already answered question.
Welcome to B&B: I've only been shaving with a SR for a month. I would recommend learning to shave with no more than one days growth of whiskers. Learning to shave against the grain requires more skill than using a DE razor.
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Best of luck as you start with straight razors. I've tried before and am currently awaiting razors to be honed, then I'm going to try it again with a stern dedication to defeating the steep, and sometimes lengthy learning curve. As many have said on here, patience, persistence, and practice all pays off. And keep reading/watching videos. The membership of B&B are great about helping fellow members. Especially, those members that are experienced in this area(SR's). They understand the mistakes that newbies make and are here to help. I'll be starting a straight razor journal to document my second foray into straights. My first attempt, I was still newer to DE shaving and had 't perfected my DE shaving technique at that time, which somewhat impeded my progress. I wasn't sure what a great shave was supposed to feel/look like. The elements that matter in DE shaving(and some different elements)are even more important with SR's (Blade angle, pressure, great lather-different than great lather for DE shaving(a bit,wetter lather for me)-, a sharp edge, proper stropping, skin stretching) and then other things that are different for me- having to wipe blade on sponge instead of sloshing in sink to clean off lather/whiskers, keeping blade clean/dry, the cleanup of the blade after a shave(drying to prevent water spots/rust) and drying scales. Yes, some are similar to DE, but some are different/new and are important for a good,shave and keeping the straight edge keen.

Again, good luck and I'll be watching you and some other newbies to SR and everyone's journey. I'll be documenting mine and am eager to get underway. A respected, experienced member, Rickboone, explained to me to make the commitment to using a straight and go with it. Yes, initially(first few shaves), some use a DE to touch-up, but otherwise, put all the other stuff away and dedicate yourself to using straights daily. There's so many videos/tutorials/member journals/help from members/other resources that can assist in being successful.

Sorry to go on and on, but I'm personally excited about jumping back in and obviously, have been gearing up for it for a while.

All of us straight newbies/return guests need to stick together and beat the learning curve and become proficient straight shavers.


It's so encouraging to here that you guys that are brand new have so much commitment. I'm 62 shaves in and am having great shaves and loads of fun so keep at it,you will be at 50 shaves before you know it.
Part of what helped me as I started was the generous time that a mentor shared with me. It really helped to see how these things are done in person,to get real time feedback so that I could make adjustments and to see what kind of pressure to use. Going to a local meet-up also helped a great deal so if there is one in your area I highly recommend that you attend.
The experienced people in this community are some of the most generous folks that I have come across in a long time and there dedication to helping the new shaver is awesome.
Keep at it guys it only gets better.
All the best FrankC
Thanks all for the words of encouragement. The one common threat I keep taking away from everything I've read is "fundamentals". I keep reading the same advice over and over and that's a good thing. I need to sear that into my brain so my excitement doesn't cause me to go rogue and do something stupid. Thanks again!
Welcome to SR shaving. I still love me DE razors, but in all honesty, there's no school like old school!
OK, I took the plunge this evening and I must say I think I did okay. No cuts, nicks or ER visits. My grip technique was horrible, but I took my time and made it through. It's definitely a challenge but worth it. It's a pretty cool feeling to see yourself in the mirror shaving with a SR. Looking forward to the next shave.
Congrats! Make sure you don't let your mind wander as your admiring yourself in the mirror shaving with that cool straight razor. It will quickly remind you whose boss!
Got my first BBS shave from my newly purchased Boker full hollow, 6/8 from a B&B member. My wife couldn't tell the difference from my normal DE razor shaves. This was my fifth SR shave. I think I've turned a corner. It definitely puts the fun back into shaving.
Congrats to you. It's an awesome feeling isn't it? I definitely have SRAD much worse than I ever did RAD or BAD.
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