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my str8 razor journey

first I bought some poor mans kit. and a sight unseen from Larry. and a Chinese stone. but unfortunately my little brother wanted to show off with it and it fell on the blade edge and broke it. I was so damn pissed off. and him apologizing won't restore that razor. so I need to buy another razor again. I am a newb, I won't try shaving with something broke.

another razor to buy

so I searched ebay. and found some razors. I Liked those big razor. I know that they are not for beginners but I just can't help it. but I also read some stuff here before buying. even a "shave ready" may actually needs honing. and surprisingly I found a guy that hones the razors and send it to you. it was called straight razor honing service by senorsteve154 . since I don't live in the US. I talked to him about me buying a razor and putting his address instead of mine. then he sends it to me by an address which is a shipping company. he agreed. his name is Logan

the KOOL experience

I bought a razor stamped on it kool. it was 7/8 full hollow. and sent for honing. and unfortunately. it cannot be honed properly. it appears to be some dirt cheap razor(and it was). or maybe it was too Kool for human use. I felt bad. but Logan told me that he will send it back to the seller. which was very nice of him. and he suggested send me a GD #66 that he personally use. which is properly honed. and I can send him the money after I try it. or if I didn't like it. I will return it to him.

meanwhile I found a straight razor locally. so I said to myself "why not?" it was a boker. it wasn't big but I got excited. and the guy there told me that they sharpened the blade for shaving. I do see them having stones so I thought it was true. they sell knives and old badges and other antiques.so I bought it and tried it out. I had a nice line on my face bleeding. it does cuts hair using the HHT but not much. and I had a very bad experience. I didn't continue and I used my de. it was a bad first impression. I thought str8s are not as sharp as a de. maybe they are not for me.

never the less the GD arrived. it is bigger and heavier. and I did the HHT and the hair popped like crazy. and I went to wash my hands. and hair started to fall and almost clogged the sink.it was scary. how could I shave with this?. but I have to try it out. at first I was shaking a little. although that didn't happen the first time. because this is sharp as hell!

and I shaved. and do you know whats funny?. I didn't cut or nick myself :biggrin1:. I didn't put pressure. I went WTG and tried ATG on my left neck side. I did not continue ATG since I am a newb and didn't want to rush it. I used my de WTG and found no feedback!. I can tell if you are careful str8s are not dangerous. in my 2nd shave I stropped it. I don't know if I was stropping right but that is another matter. on my 2nd shave I went a little faster. I had a very small nick under the nose that stopped bleeding in less than a minute. so no big deal. when I started with a de I had much worse. and still WTG the is no feedback from my de.

in short

I can tell if you are careful str8s are not dangerous. people have shaved with these for centuries. I am a newb. ok I know this sounds ridiculous. but I feel that sharper razor means less cuts or nicks. because you will apply lesser pressure. and it will cut smoothly without struggling.

now I love straight razor shaving. and with time I will be a better shaver. and I highly recommend Logan since he made me walk on the right track. and he was very helpful. the 2 razors I have are worlds apart. and since I heard 50% of newbs quit str8 shaving. I guess this is one of the reasons(if not the main reason). a razor that is not properly honed. this is very critical.

after this talk its time for a another shave. and forgive me if there was any typo mistakes. and THANKS Logan. because of you I now believe in str8s:thumbup:
I can tell if you are careful str8s are not dangerous. people have shaved with these for centuries. I am a newb. ok I know this sounds ridiculous. but I feel that sharper razor means less cuts or nicks. because you will apply lesser pressure. and it will cut smoothly without struggling.

They say "a sharp blade is a safe blade"and I certainly agree....

That's awesome, sounds like you had a REALLY nice positive first experience!! Keep it up!! :thumbup1:
my only problem now is maintaining the razor. I have a 12k Chinese stone. I don't know how to use it correctly. and I don't want to ruin the GD. I think post a thread about it
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