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Your Kitchen Sink

This is a thread about your kitchen (sink, stove, counters, setup).

Tell us how you have set up your kitchen, where you put everything, and how it works for you.

I did a reno a number of years ago. Taking out a kitchen that was 6' x 8' at the side of the house and building a new one directly in the middle of the house.

New kitchen is 18' x 18' with a 10' hallway/pantry. It has 9 doors, 1 window, 2 skylights and 2 sinks.

The doors arrangement:
Living room.
Dining room.
Dog Kennel.
2 pantries,
1 storage closet.

I found some pics of the kitchen during the reno which will give an idea of the layout better than the current clutter does.

Looking down where I have my "coffee wall" which spans both sides of the sink. This is the clean up sink with dishwasher next to it and disposal in the sink. 2 visible doors are pantry (bi-fold) and dining room door. Pic taken from the doorway into the living room.


On the opposite side of the kitchen from the cleanup sink is the stove and food prep/cooking area. Above the stove is the large skylight (covers the entire counter area with light) The two sections (clean up and cooking) is separated by a diagonal island with a second sink.


Looking back from the stove (pic taken from the door to the porch) is the 2nd pantry door (6 windows), door to the dog kennel (2 windows). The door to the den is at the end of the stove counter and the door to the garage is down the hall on the right. Cabinets in that area are for pot/pan storage. You can see the skylights, one down the hall the other over top of the stove. Good natural light illumination. opening both outside doors (kennel and deck) gives great flow through cross ventilation. If someone does not want a kennel, that area could be made into an exceptional breakfast area as it overlooks a well laid out azalea/rhododendron bed.


Can't find a cabineted and tiled pic looking back to the deck door and the only window but this rough in shot should help fit in the fridge and door to the deck (next to the window). On the other side of the fridge is the door to the living room. Shot shows the large skylight very well. The box covers the island plumbing.


Separating the two sides of the kitchen is a diagonal island with a large German sink that took me ages to find (had to have it shipped as it was not sold in the US). Doors in pic are 2nd pantry and door to den area (stairway goes down to the library and basement. Off the back of the island sink is an eat in counter and behind that is a low pastry/candy making counter (with doggie cave under it). In front of the sink is the fridge. Open and everything comes out into the prep area.


Well, that's it. My kitchen :)

Let's see yours.

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My sink is perpendicular to the stove. However, if I had the room, I would put a prep sink on the an island, while keeping the larger double sink at the counter. I plan on this for the next, and hopefully final, home.

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That's a great room, room to breath. Ours, nine by nine feet, two doors and a fair size window, double sinks and as much counter space as i could fit. Picture taken from in front of the door to the backyard and between the stove and fridge.




Needs milk and a bidet!
I know where the fridge is, microwave, toaster, and coffee pot. What else is in there I have no idea. We might have an oven if that’s what that big stainless steel looking thing is. Ours looks similar. There’s also some weird thing that I’ve seen dishes being loaded in to. Not sure what happens from there though.

I don’t cook so the kitchen is pretty much another country for me.
We remodeled 15 years ago. I wanted a farmhouse sink. Madam desired a split sink. She got her way. The small side has the disposal. I have hated that sink every darn day for 15 years.
We remodeled 15 years ago. I wanted a farmhouse sink. Madam desired a split sink. She got her way. The small side has the disposal. I have hated that sink every darn day for 15 years.
Marriage is full of compromises. Hopefully thy are win-win situations but sometimes we put our wives wants over our own.

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Wanting for wisdom
Our kitchen is pretty central. Bay window, patio door, large window on another deck, doors to family room, dining room and, from the front door hallway. Bright open space but it is where everybody lands so always crowded and with all the openings not all that much counter space. We have an island in the centre . . . not plummed, no gas, no electric. With a crowd I'm pushing folk around it to get to oven, stove top, sink and fridge.

It works well but If I ever win the lotto I'd axe the dining room and combine it with the kitchen . . . I'm old school . . . all things important happen in the kitchen . . . well . . . more or less.
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