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What Lather Bowl Did You Use Today

My favorite is a plain plastic yogurt bowl...especially for travel...light, unbreakable, and wide enough. After using the Timeless, ceramic Captain Choice clone, Turkish and collapsible nubs bowls...I find this is the best...for the simplicity!
I want to buy a CaYuen, but after I paid, I found that there was a problem with its website in the past two days. I would like to ask how many days will it take to ship the product after payment? thank you
They are made to order if they are not in stock.

I had one in my Etsy cart and they sent me a 10% off coupon… so I ordered one. It is coming by June 21st. I ordered the Abalone one. I had also looked at the Dark Nebula one. They are both great looking, in my opinion.

And… today I used my Timeless because I was too lazy to use my scuttle.
Just like many of us I preffer my shaving stuff to be beautiful. i have tried many bowls, but ended up using a 400 g container for sour cream. The size, (4.0" x 2.7") the weight (next to nothing) are perfect and yes, it is free. I get EXCELLENT lather in about a minute.

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
SE Sunday, May 26th 2024

Bowl: One that I modified 6 years ago, it does everything I need for my shaving needs. It is a onion soup bowl with nickel's Epoxied to bottom of bowl using JB Weld Marine 2 part epoxy. Using JB weld is the best adhesive I have used for wet conditions, not one nickel has come off over 5 years using hot and cold water all the time(Thermal changes)!
I glued a nickel to the bottom of a glass jar and left is outside for 5 years from -40C to +40C and its not coming off (excellent Epoxy IMO)!
SOTD May 26 2024.jpg

( Old Archived photos) 7 years ago there was not much for shaving bowls like that is available to most folks like now.
You can even get customized bowls even.
Rons favorite shave bowl.jpg

Have some great shaves!

ButterfaceX, the bowls are very nice. Will you share from where they were obtained?

My wife said she bought at a HOME GOODs store/ chain off the self.
She purchased a set of 4. The other colors are Black w/ white embossment & Orange w/ white embossment.
Turkish bowls, thou this style has the cool embossed on the inside bottom. Some others can appear they do but are not, smooth...
I like the bumps...
Korinne does not remember the price unfortunately. Just the grand total for a couple of shopping hours.
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