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On Handwriting

I was fortunate to have a man from the Netherlands as my 8th grade teacher who was a stickler for handwriting. He taught us to write a page full of practice writing, turn the page around and hold it up to light, looking at it from the back. For some reason it let's you get a really good sense of the consistency of the slant of the letters and overall uniformity and evenness of the letters and spacing.
Being a lefty and many years of graffiti writing (both on paper and elsewhere) have left me with a unique (if sometimes difficult to read) handwriting. I'm always looking at lettering on advertising and people's script and playing with letters and such. i have to think about writing "normal" letters when i have to. I really should re-learn the classic writing style and work on it. I also noticed i picked up certain lettering from my father who had a unique style of writing that i've subconsciously picked up.
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