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Old Fogies Club: What was your workout today?

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
This is not me.​

Most every day other than Sunday I work out in the pool using resistance training equipment purchased on Amazon from, or purchased directly from, Hydrorevolution.

Today I used a pair of Aquastrength Aquatic Training Dumbbells. I have the range of Hydrorevolution equipment. This pair of dumbbells provides perhaps the most resistance meaning it is the "heaviest" of the equipment I use.

Today's exercises in the water included
  • Walking in the water, frontwards and backwards, pushing or pulling the weight. ~3 minutes, as a warmup.
  • Squats coupled with benchpresses. #150
  • Deadlifts. #50
  • Deadlift/squats with a jump. #20
  • Benchpresses. #150
  • Supported benchpresses (back against a seat so no using my core much). #50
  • Ys and Ts. A couple of minutes or so.
  • Others.

In aggregate, this was a killer 30 minute workout. I've been doing water resistance training regularly and consistently for a long enough time to be able to push the limits. According to my experience, and to what Hydrorevolution publishes on their website, 30 minutes of this workout is equivalent to two hours of land based exercise.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.

In the pool as usual for half an hour. Today's weapons of choice were my Hydro-Tone Barbell and the two Hydo-Bells. All sorts of resistance exercises were accomplished. My daily workouts with gear like this has convinced me that this is a super efficient and highly effective exercise system, but I do it because I like it. Of course, I love the benefits!

Happy shaves,

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