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Oktoberfest/Marzen beers

Maertzen Beers? -- Try some Victoria. It's from Mexico. It's a pretty decent representative of the style. Austrian brewers emigrated to Mexico during and around the time of the very short reign of the unfortunate Maximilian I, king of Mexico. But what the hell is an under-employed second son of a second son of a Habsburg to do? I guess you had to take your chances, Max, but a little foresight would have helped you live a bit longer. The Habsburgs were a bit inbred, I've heard -- not so good for the old IQ, perhaps. As I could have and would have told him, "Never mess around trying to govern a country divided." But I digress, it's about beer here . . .

Anyway, for quite a while, the descendants of the breweries started back then kept Mexico the last home of Vienna-style lagers known as maertzen (it is Austrian, not German!) -- March Beer -- lagered starting in March, hauled out to drink in late September, therefore associated with Oktoberfests. Oktoberfests were not all about maertzen beers as a few other beer styles were and still are also traditionally consumed in those festivities. Now, lots of folks in the micro-breweries are offering their interpretations of the maertzen style, some OK, some not so good - I'll never get around to tasting them all. However, it might be a good idea to start with a Victoria. Pour it into a nice glass with some choke on it to develop a good head. Don't drink it from the bottle, at least not the first time; it's pretty looking stuff, and deserves to be seen as well as tasted.

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