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Thanks for the tip guys, I may have to try and very lightly hand sand the existing glue from around the bottom of the knot, its making it to tight to get back in.
I posted a question about using RTV (room temperature vulcanizing silicone, often used for automotive and high temperature applications) for brush restores, and at least one member here says he uses it exclusively. He says the adhesive holds the knot plenty tight, and if he had to remove the knot for any reason, a good strong, muscular squeeze and twist would take it right off.

I wonder if this wouldn't be a good option, too? I, myself, like the idea of a semi-permanent bond, so for the restore I have lined up, I went to my local hardware emporium and picked up a tube of clear silicone adhesive. This particular stuff is touted as being aquarium and food safe. I figured that if it's used to hold the glass panels of a fish tank together under the pressure of those many, many gallons of water then it's probably strong and waterproof enough to hold a knot to a handle.

I plan to fill my hollow handle with epoxy to form a solid base, but the knot would be set into the handle with silicone.

Okay, I haven't tried it myself yet, but if my knot fell out like yours did, I would personally be tempted to try out a semi-permanent glue like silicone.

Just my 2 cent. The Kent looks like a great brush. I'm sure with with good care your repair will bring it back looking like new. Good luck!
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You could easily re-glue the knot yourself. Just use a bit of two part epoxy, that should do the trick and last forever. I use 5 min two part epoxy on all my brushes and not one has lost its head:biggrin1:

Rudy, do you use an epoxy that's rated as waterproof? By the way, the beehive I bought from you is an outstanding brush, I'm very pleased with the workmanship and the amazing quality of the badger used.


I glued it myself and its now setting with some 2 part epoxy, I'll leave it fr a day or 2 to be safe and use some other brushes in the mean time.
My precious B&B 2008 lost its head, the knot fell straight out.

Should I return it to Kent or just re-glue it myself? I'm worried Kent would want to put in a new knot and then it wouldn't really be the Limited Edition if it got a new knot.

Any suggestions on the best adhesive? I used Epoxy resin on a golden knib knot a while back and it held up okay.

The Horror!:scared::crying::confused1:angry:

Prayers for you!
Here's what I did when my straightrazor designs brush lost it's "head": took off all the glue in the handle and in the knot (just using my fingernails), lightly sanded the base of the plug on the knot and the place in the handle where the knot goes.

After that, cleaned both the knot and the handle and applied 2 part epoxy glue. It's been holding ever since.

Just one comment: Don't use near boiling water with your brushes, it softens the glue and makes the knot fall off the handle.
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