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Music to shave by?


I'm just kidding... I don't listen to music while shaving. I just zone out!
In the mornings I always enjoy listening to classic rock. On my mp3 player i have a selection of around 500 songs from the 60's, 70's, and 80's that I let run through while I shave. My ear plugs are designed to be worn behind the head so they don't get in the way.

Sometimes I'll listen to some podcasts I've loaded up. Usually the Non-Prophets or Linux Action Show.

Other times I'll switch the mp3 player over to fm radio and catch up on some NPR. We have a classical/jazz station I've never thought of shaving to. I love classical. Its funny... I enjoy playing jazz on one of my instruments, but don't really get into listening to it. Just like sports... rather play than watch. :lol:
Since shaving seems to be the "zen" moment of the day... some time to myself... I've been listening to Yo-Yo Ma during my routine. It helps me get into the right zone.

Does anyone else add music to their shaving routine?

Guns 'n Roses - Paradise City
I did an afternoon shave last week while listening to Karl Jenkins' The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace. It was amazing.

In the mornings during the school year, since I have to be at work by 7:15, I am shaving rather early in the AM and my wife wouldn't appreciate me listening to music while I shave. I wish I could. Afternoon shaves are my musical indulgences.
I did an afternoon shave last week while listening to Karl Jenkins' The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace. It was amazing.

In the mornings during the school year, since I have to be at work by 7:15, I am shaving rather early in the AM and my wife wouldn't appreciate me listening to music while I shave. I wish I could. Afternoon shaves are my musical indulgences.

She should appreciate the musical accompaniment while she's up cooking you breakfast before work, right?
I usually shave at night to the sound of shrrrrrk but I have had a couple of shaves with music playing in the bedroom. John Lee Hooker and Muddy Waters for one shave and Van Morrison's TB Sheets for another.
I've gotta agree with Sinatra.

As a guy growing up in the eighties with the hair bands and heavy metal - Frank was NOT somone I'd listen to. Just a short while ago a friend introduced me to the album "In the Wee Small Hours." It is an excellent companion to cigars and singlemalt and very VERY appropriate for a lengthy shave with a straight.
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