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Morris & Forndran Members Group Buy Delivery Thread


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If I hadn't started this years Sabbatical, I would have jumped ship on the brush and walked away.

I have enjoyed all the post, pics and ribbing along the way and I'll try to get my hands on one in the new year. Be it thru Lee or BST, but I don't expect it to be easy.

Lee will likely be able to make the handles (may be different material), but it's the knot I want to experience as that is what set's the brush apart from the others, at least in my eyes.

Awesome Group Buy and had I known or thought about it, I would have made it a personal exception but wanted to go in with few to none in my Sabbatical.

Looking forward to seeing how the Pics contest plays out.


No tattoo mistakes!
Bruce and Connie (Intrigued) kindly served a consultants when I was agonizing over some design/spec decisions. I regard Bruce as a member of the group even though he didn't buy a brush.
The handle design is fine, the material and the finish on the handle is the best that I've seen from Lee. I was impressed with the polish when I took it out of the box and this is the 4th of his brushes I've had here. But it is the knot that sets it apart. I think it's my overall favorite knot in my brush collection. It is not for backbone or scrub fanatics though it has enough of those properties. The soft tips, lathering, and flow through are quite remarkable.
Lee will likely be able to make the handles (may be different material), but it's the knot I want to experience as that is what set's the brush apart from the others, at least in my eyes.


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Bruce and Connie (Intrigued) kindly served a consultants when I was agonizing over some design/spec decisions. I regard Bruce as a member of the group even though he didn't buy a brush.

I was humbled when you asked me to give my thoughts on the brush. Thanks for allowing me an insight into how it came to fruition.

So, thanks to Bruce and Connie as well!

Bruce, you must be going through such an ordeal....:blink::001_rolle

No thanks should be directed at me, that's for sure. I was merely an outside set of eyes for Ken when he wanted thoughts or opinions on something.

It was difficult to pass on the brush and my biggest regret of the Sabbatical thus far. But I had to stick to my plan and that was to make it the year purchase-free, which I still plan on doing.


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
Bruce and Connie (Intrigued) kindly served a consultants when I was agonizing over some design/spec decisions. I regard Bruce as a member of the group even though he didn't buy a brush.

So, thanks to Bruce and Connie as well!

Bruce, you must be going through such an ordeal....:blink::001_rolle

Your welcomed! It was a great pleasure to be able to help in even a small way with this group buy. As Bruce said we were just the outside eyes... or wait... :idea:

... maybe I was the inside eyes.... :blink: .... anyway... I'm sure.... I think I was able to lend some clarity odd thoughts to the project... :blink:
Your welcomed! It was a great pleasure to be able to help in even a small way with this group buy. As Bruce said we were just the outside eyes... or wait... :idea:

... maybe I was the inside eyes.... :blink: .... anyway... I'm sure.... I think I was able to lend some clarity odd thoughts to the project... :blink:



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I used my Chief again this morning. This brush is rapidly becomeing my favorite. We'll give everyone a few more days to post those SOTD pics before we close the contest. Be thinking about what B&B Artisan Soap maker you want to order from!

is the contest in here or elsewhere?

I haven't seen anything in a couple days now.

You guys got your brushes and aren't sharing pics any more :blink:
shame i missed this those brushes look realy nice. i've only started shaving half august.
will there be another group buy? or not anytime soon

** whetshaving with de razors that is, haha
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is the contest in here or elsewhere?

I haven't seen anything in a couple days now. You guys got your brushes and aren't sharing pics any more :blink:

Here you go, Bruce-- maybe this will get the ball rolling for some of the really good photos. :thumbup: Yesterday's shave:

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As an aside, just out of curiosity, I wonder how many hairs your Chief has shed, if any.

I was about to say that if you guess how many in my case, I'll buy you a beer in a nice bar close to my home, but, anyway, mine has shed three. Just three, I mean!

And of course, if you happen to come round, we'll talk about that beer...
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