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Let's talk about Spam


Use the Fat, Luke!

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
Well, I ain't gonna say I ate a lot of Spam in my life. Dad was in the Army and Mom liked to cook, so we had stuff that didn't come in a can for various reasons. Spam was not Army food by the time I got there in the '70s but we had a lot of "sea rats" that came in the traditional three flavours: red snot, brown snot and gray snot.

That said, as a penurious graduate student in Hormel's backyard I used to occasionally splurge on a can and make Spam quesadillas. Made a nice change from the beans I was mainly living on!

Funny thing: I haven't had Spam for about 20 years but beans are on the menu for supper tonight.

What types of Spam do the Hawaii costcos offer?? Any worth buying in bulk for a trip back to the mainland?
I’ve only seen regular and reduced-sodium in 8-packs. As I recall, it wasn’t a good deal so I don’t buy it there.

With the current state of the economy, you’re doing pretty good the closer you get to $2/can. I haven’t seen it under $2 for a while now.

Time your visit with the Waikiki SPAM Jam Festival:

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