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Item of the Week 9/23 - Mitchell's Wool Fat

Used the Fat last night, I'm in all week on this one. I love this soap, and while it takes an extra minute or so to get my desired lather it is absolutely worth it. And even when I under/overshoot the water ratio I still get a great shave and a great aftershave feel from this soap. I've used other soaps that contain lanolin but this effect (for me) has been uniquely related to MWF.
Not being controverisal here, but I forgot to add...to me, this soap behaves a lot like Williams in the effort it takes to get a good lather, and good MWF lather itself is reminiscent of a great Williams lather (slick with tiny bubbles). Two very different soaps, of course, and I do enjoy Williams.
Well, my sample bit the dust this morning, but I was able to get enough lather out of it for one last shave with the MWF. My Simpson Emperor 2 face lathered up quite a nice lather today! I shaved with an EverReady 1912 SE razor w/a GEM blade from Walgreen's. Finished it off with some Floid Suave!

Not my best shave of the week, but a DFS for sure.

Much as I love da Fat, I can't justify opening a new puck because I have SO MUCH already open. So, I'll bow out of the rest of the week to try to use some other stuff up.

Have fun, Fatties!
Here is the IOTW shave from yesterday, Monday.
Although I essentially repeated it today, it was so great.
MWF+Kent BKK12+ T&H DE + Gillette Super Blue + Arlington A/S
The soap just loves our water here.
Lather keeps on going and going and going.
When it seems done after a first pass, I paint the face with the brush and the lather comes to life again!!
(Thanks, to Fran the Etsy fiber lady for the raw wool, which washed out nicely!)
The Brits really know how to enjoy life.

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Face lathered again with a MWF stick. Tried to use less, but it's a hard temptation to break. Using less meant I still had to stop when I was almost drowning in lather. Ideally I'd have been able to add a bit more water, but I just didn't have the real estate to do that. Once again, my face feels like a million bucks. As someone mentioned above, this has to be a monster of a soap on your dry skin in the winter.
Face lathered again with a MWF stick. Tried to use less, but it's a hard temptation to break. Using less meant I still had to stop when I was almost drowning in lather. Ideally I'd have been able to add a bit more water, but I just didn't have the real estate to do that. Once again, my face feels like a million bucks. As someone mentioned above, this has to be a monster of a soap on your dry skin in the winter.

Do you have a scale? Mine tells me I load half a gram from the stick, consistent from yesterday and today. I had plenty of lather both days, but was in no immediate danger of drowning.

Also, how did you make your stick? I used the biscuit-cutter technique for mine. Some gents say that grating makes soaps easier to load.
Do you have a scale? Mine tells me I load half a gram from the stick, consistent from yesterday and today. I had plenty of lather both days, but was in no immediate danger of drowning.

Also, how did you make your stick? I used the biscuit-cutter technique for mine. Some gents say that grating makes soaps easier to load.

Sadly, no scale. I originally started out trying to load from the standard puck. After a few attempts, I grated it into a new container, and that helped a bit. I then took that grated mass and mashed most of it into a container. I'm sure part of it is just using MWF consistently day to day, to zero in on the right amount to load. Right now I'm rotating most days, but I'm quickly phasing most of my stash out in favor of 2-3 favorites.
Just finished shave with MWF. Had it not been for my signing for the IOTW I would be going back to my favorite....Cella. Nothing to complain about with MWF, but nothing spectacular either. Surprisingly, I've always found MWF somewhat drying my skin.
Here is the line up: preshave - Cremo Cream, brush - Simpson Duke 3 Best, razor - Cobra Classic, AS - WH followed by Speick, moisturizer - Institute Karite
How come Mantic says it may cause ingrown hairs? Could someone explain.

Some have a sensitivity to lanolin. It has been known that people with this sensitivity suffer from more frequent ingrown hairs.

Day three with da Fat! Used a new Astra SP and finished it off with Osage and then Musgo Real AS. Man, does my face feel great!
Used the Omega 10066 today with excellent results. I soaked it in the same mug as the soap, swirled about 20 times.

This soap is very moisturizing, more than any soap I've used. I described the scent as warm sweaters, apt, but it also smells like a soap that just plain works well.
9/24 evening shave

Merkur 37c w/Astra SP
MWF (1st time lathering)
24mm WD brush
Nivea ASB
Floid Blue

Since this was the first time I have used MWF, I wanted to make sure I followed all the advice I have seen about it. I started my sample by pressing it into a bowl, filling with water and letting the soap/brush soak. After I drained the water from the bowl, I re wetted the brush and started loading. I then proceeded to face lather and achieved wonderful results with enough for a 3 pass shave plus. After I finished shaving I squeezed the rest of the lather out of the brush and let moisturize my face while cleaning the brush. I have to say I was quite impressed with the quality and quantity of lather but it did take more effort to produce. I will be adding it to my Christmas list or buying some if needed after the sabbatical.
9/25, my second day in on this IOTW. Same set up as yesterday but I used my Rudy Vey badger brush. I think badgers really like MWF. I loaded a little longer today and ended up with plenty of thick slick goodness for a great BBS 3-pass. MWF just seems to like a little more water at times and some extra loading but yields wonderful results.
I described the scent as warm sweaters, apt, but it also smells like a soap that just plain works well.

I like that description. I will say that I finally got around to trying the Fat a couple of months ago and really liked it, but now that things have cooled off to almost sweater weather, I'm liking it even more.
I just so happened to get some MWF last week (Royal Shave had a deal going) so tried it for the first time this past weekend - this stuff is fantastic. Liked it so much I used it again on Mon, breaking from my usual 'rotate cream/soap every day' thing. Loving the smooth/slick feel of the lanolin.

It does seem to want a bit of water, but not much different than many pucks I have (AOS, TOBS).
I happened to order some last week and it came in today, so I'll be a late-comer to the party and try it tomorrow!
Another great headshave with MWF today. I used a bit less than before, and still had plenty of lather. I could've probably stood to use a bit more, though. Is it me, or is the lather of MWF a bit different. It's very protective, but I can't seem to get that shiny lather that's easy to tell when it's just right. I seem to just start getting big clumps, and that's when I stop.
I typically don't participate, and won't other than to say I use MWF practically every day and will all this week. I owe most of the pleasure of a shave to it. I can also say that I probably do everything wrong and MWF still works fine. The only no no is not enough water. It's a shame this great soap is finicky for a lot of people.

Ain't that the truth.

It continually amazes me how good it is. I am in love with the smell as well.

Tempted to check out Haslingers Sheep Soap too.
Day 4 and loving it! I face lathered da Fat for the first time with a Commodore X3 and it was probably the best shave I have had with da Fat since using it years ago!
Tried MWF for the first time today - OMG!! Best lather I have made by a mile, creamy, slick, great shave!

And I have to say I get some pleasure form using such an iconic brand.

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