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Item of the Week 11/11 - TGN Finest


Needs milk and a bidet!
Hello to all.

This will be the thirty eighth in a series of "item of the week" threads that I am promoting in the general shave discussion forum.
The rules:

  1. It is very simple. Use the item of the week for the week that it is scheduled and post your thoughts on that item in its thread.
  2. Everything else in your shave line-up may be rotated at will, but keep the featured item of the week as part of each shave.
  3. The weeks will start on Monday and end on Saturday. Sunday could be a free day, or an overlap day for the next week or whatever.

The thirty eighth featured item of the week will be
TGN Finest.
Nice! I got a TGN Finest F2 incoming this week, hopefully monday or tuesday. Hoping to get the loft set in the handle this week.
Aarrgghh, I'll probably have to sit out this week...no TGN's in the bullpen, at least, AFAIK.
Perhaps I'll lurk in with an artisan brush with some other knot.
Otherwise, have fun and send postcards!

ps...Fatboy week was fun!

Shave 1
W2 Aristocrat, Feather (1), TGN Finest 18mm in a Lord Chesterfield handle, soap sample

This small brush is now my firm favorite. Just right with the scratch and backbone combination.
Tuesday shave.

Loosely fitted my 26 mm finest F2 into the recommended 28mm handle also from TGN. First reaction: this brush is HUGE!

Unfortunately I did not have time for normal test lathering, only one. The knot stays in place without any adhesive at all. After test lathering the bloom is ENORMOUS.

To give you an idea (and to not annoy Spotz) of the context of this brush I can tell you that this TGN brush is meant to replace my 26mm Thäter 3 band on the right I traded out from my den.

My Thäter was my soft brush of the bunch and had a loft of about 56mm. My new TGN has a loft of about 59-60mm so it is noticeably bigger than the Thäter.

As soon as we get a decent light in Stockholm I will be posting pictures!

In spite of the one only test lather the shave went OK with the TGN. I did notice the tips of the knot but nothing alarming at this point. I do not tolerate any unpleasantness on my skin at all from the brush but compared to my other finest badger brush ( a 23mm Shavemac custom) I would say that this TGN is at least on par with it so far. I used DR Harris Marlborough and 40 sec loading into a wet brush. Lather building and flow through was excellent even at this early stage for this brush.

I will test lather some more with this brush now to break it in as much as possible during the week. I will also report back tomorrow (with new pics so you can see the size) on how things are progressing.

My intention is to find out during the week if this brush will fit into my not so humble rotation of puck to face lathering brushes!
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Late for the party, sorry. I'm in. I've got a 30/55 "monster" 2-band (artisan made) which is simply fantastic!

Soft gel tips, incredible backbone (but not "wall-like"...), a lathering machine.
Don't know how many times I have placed Myrsol in the shopping cart and not placed the order! Biggest miss of my trip to Placa del Pi in Barcelona. I had them all in my hands! Anywho, giving boars a break as I switch soaps this week. A finest knot will work wonders face lathering La Toja! I'm in!
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Wednesday shave.

Managed to do five defunk and test palm lathers yesterday PM. The knot has loosened up nicely and the tips are now noticeably softer. Loaded for 30 seconds and the amount of lather I was able to produce was astounding.

Unfortunately no decent light over Stockholm (it looks like in a Bergman movie now!) so you have to make do with a picture in artificial light. Notice the size of the TGN knot to the right. That thing is huge!

FS Pur-Tech 28/56 mm, M&F Chief 25/50 mm, Shavemac DO1 Silvertip 25/50 mm and 26/60 mm TGN Finest F2​

Face feeling: In spite of the size the feeling is one of control. The tips are noticeably softer today (2nd shave / 6 test lathers). The finest bristles are more springy than silvertip, on par with DO1 in the 25 mm Shavemac.

Lathering: Lather building and release is excellent due to loft and density of the knot. This knot is denser than my Shavemac 23 mm I use for sticks. Because of adequate loft and density it releases effortlessly (and I love that!).

Backbone: Good enough for digging into an unused puck of (triple milled) DR Harris after soaking the knot and the soap for five minutes. This is a task not all brushes are up to...

Knot: This is a big one, biggest in my den. I do love bigger knots nowadays (not good for the wallet...) but this one is clearly bordering on being too big. On the other hand I do like to indulge in massive amounts of yoghurty lather ! :001_smile

Handle: In spite of being a standard TGN offering I like the heft and the size of this handle. It's lathe turned, up to the task and quite comfortable.

Weather permitting I will try to get some more pictures for tomorrow so you can see the density and the form of the knot more clearly.
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Last night shave 2

W2 Aristocrat, Feather (2), TGN Finest 18mm, Scritchnscrub Grapefruit Unobtainium

Lathered on top of the sample and was astounded by the soap. Always pleased with this brush's performance.
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