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How long have you been on B&B?

How long have you been here? Has your shave gear AD been cured?

  • 1 year (or less), still buying shave gear

  • 1 year (or less), rarely buy shave gear

  • 2 years, still buying shave gear

  • 2 years, rarely buy shave gear

  • 3 years, still buying shave gear

  • 3 years, rarely buy shave gear

  • 4 years, still buying shave gear

  • 4 years, rarely buy shave gear

  • 5-9 years, still buying shave gear

  • 5-9 years, rarely buy shave gear

  • 10+ years, still buying shave gear

  • 10+ years, rarely buy shave gear

Results are only viewable after voting.
I'm curious about active users, how long you've been on B&B, and the current state of your shaving stuff Acquisition Disorder. Yes, this site inspires lots of other ADs, but this poll is asking about shaving stuff in particular: soaps, creams, brushes, AS, razors, hones, etc.

So, How long have you been on B&B, and are you still acquiring shave gear?

By "rarely," I mean you replace a soap only after you've killed one, or buy something if it's a grail item, or for a special occasion.
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I've been on a little over a year and my AD is aftershaves. I have about 15 right now and my stash is still growing.

Claudel Xerxes

Staff member
I've been an active part of B&B for about a half of a year. I'm not currently buying shaving stuff, but that's because I'm involved in a few of the restraints. I'm still planning on buying more gear, I've just chosen to pace myself for the time being.
I've been here a little while. My purchases these days are pretty much limited to software- but because I do most of my shopping online, it might be one purchase per year.
Ive been here 2 years and wet shaving for that long plus a few months. I have definately slowed down, and every so often it peaks again when some form of AD takes hold. At the moment its se razors but I cant remember when I last bought a soap or cream. Although I have received gifts.
As a conclusion, Im still hooked
Six years, or will be in October.

Because I was obviously spending a lot on a hobby which was supposed to save money, I started keeping a spreadsheet on shaving purchases. From that, I know that I eventually tapered off and didn't buy any shaving things at all between February 2012 and April of this year. At that point, just before an air trip with carry on luggage only, I decided to get some cartridges just for the trip (I normally use SE or injector razors). So the urge to spend does go away. I can see never buying any more shaving soap unless my large current stock starts to go bad. No interest in more vintage razors. It will be years before I need more blades. Probably I'll need a new brush at some point. I never saw any point in aftershaves.

However, I still enjoy using all the great shaving things I have, getting a kick out of shaving with an SE razor that's over 100 years old, for example. It's just that I've settled down with things that work for me.

And this doesn't mean that I'm saving money. Fountain pens are a lot more expensive (potentially) than shaving gear. And you know that we've got a sub forum for that, right? Drop on by. :001_rolle
Its mainly soaps, creams, post shave and AS for me. I've settled on the razors I like. Inox straights, Cobra, SE's and OC's
I've been a member for about 6 months. I experimented with a couple different DE razors before finding my Grail. Same with soaps. Blades? I've tried several brands and use a couple favorites. I have a couple hundred stashed. Aftershaves? I alternate between four old classics.

At this point I now have just one fine, top quality razor and brush. I shave with them every day. I truly enjoy every shave! I'll replace soaps as needed and perhaps try a new one here and there for fun, but I'm very content as is.

This is my entire kit except for one bottle of AS (Clubman is on a shelf on the wall).
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Define "rarely buy shave gear":blushing:
Based upon the furious shopping done when I joined a year ago, the RAD, BAD, SCAD* has dwindled to I guess "rarely". My wallet says thank you, by the way!

* RAD, BAD, SCAD...the title to the lost Dr. Seuss manuscript.
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16 months. Now not buying. Using some of my 20+ razors, 9-10 soaps/creams, 100 blades, and 6-8 aftershaves. Probably good on product for at least another year.
2 years and I still have brush AD, not so much the others. I do occasionally get the desire to try a new soap or aftershave, but my days of loading up shopping carts are over (famous last words).


B&B's Man in Italy
Member since 2009

Steward since 2010

Merit Award since 2014

Pomade Acquisition Disorder is my only current illness. And I love it.
Lurking for few years, joined this year. I don't buy as many razors anymore., unless is something special to me. I have accumulated a nice loot in the last 10 years. Creams and soaps? Here and there. Brushes? I'm a brush addict, so that I buy more often than not.

To be honest, this is the first site that I have participated, where people for most part are civil and respectful, even in disagreements. You don't see that often, most people hide behind their keyboard and say things they won't dare to say in your face.

I don't contribute much because most of the things I would like to talk about have been talked about again and again. Most of my threads are really junk to say the least, but I just start them to engage a bit. If I don't, I'll be gone soon. I was already a wet shaver since my Army days, so this is nothing new to me.

I don't know if I'll be around for a long time, but I will enjoy it while it last :thumbup1:

If I offended anybody with this post, my apologies, but I'm not a hypocrite and this is just my reality.
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I've been on B&Bsince 2010. Within the past four months I have bought an ATT slant with S1 and S2 plates, a Standard Razor, some new blades to try, a Rooney Brush that I haven't received yet, some new ***, and two new soaps.
Thanks for that. I often wonder how many would be wetshaving were it not for B&B. How did you start?

My grandfather showed me when I was a teenager. He had a Super Speed and a Schick injector. I remember when I was a kid, he would turn the Schick around and let me simulate shaving, it is actually a fond memory. After that, I jump around cartridge and DE, until I joined the Army and I got the Super Speed as an heirloom. I didn't know much about soaps, so I was straight Barbasol and Witch Hazel guy:001_smile

I have DE shaved in the jungles of Panama and the sands of Iraq:thumbup1:
I've been a member since Feb-14. Our current micro-sized master bedroom bath limits my AD. However, in June, we move into much larger house. The new master bedroom bath has SEPARATE SINKS. So, I may be giving into AD, for items yet to be identified!!
Since 2006. For a while I was not buying anything. Now I need to as its all with my soon to be x and she is not making things easy.
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