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How do you rate Edwin Jagger Razors?

I love my Edwin Jagger DE89L -so much so, I've been debating whether or not to purchase another one so that I can have one downstairs as well (oh, the luxury...).

I just pulled the trigger -in case people don't know TESC are running a promotion where shipping is free -so I ended up buying an EJ DE89L for about $30 including shipping to the USA (once you specify price in dollars and to ship to the States, the tax is removed). A fantastic bargain -especially if you are wondering whether or not to try an EJ razor. I think $30 including shipping is insanely cheap for such a quality razor.

WOW your as bad as me i have two now also nice to know i am not alone...:wink2:
The new EJ DE89L with the Muhle head, is the best razor I've owned. It's my go-to razor even ahead of my FatBoy and Slim. Fantastic shaves with any blade I throw into it!


I have the Muhle R89, and it is the razor I use most often. Just a wonderful razor all around, and in my opinion one of the best razors ever made.

Can anyone chime in as to how aggressive the new Edwin Jaggers are (with the Muhle head)?

Can anyone venture an educated guess of where they fall in terms of aggressiveness?

My go to double edge is a Gillette Slim set at "3". Is it comparable?

I can venture more than just an educated guess.

I actually measured the blade gap on my Muhle R-89 (which shares the same head as the EJ), and found it to be .76mm, which makes it slightly more aggressive than a Slim/Fatboy set @ 4 (which measures .74mm). I added my findings to the table about a month ago.
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Mine arrived on Saturday, lovin it ! Been using Derby blades but trying feathers next week as a lot of people recommend. Feels noticably heavier than my Merkur 23c but the deftness works well, its a good solid shave. Very pleased with it
While both are very good razors, I like my Jagger 89L better than my slim. It feels good in my hand and glides over my face. It is about as aggressive as my slim set on 5.

The EJ DE89(L) is, IMO, a modern day classic. It's a great razor.

I got it and my Gillette Slim at about the same time. Those pretty much cured my RAD. Still looking for a Red Tip, but it's not nearly as much as a priority now that I have the EJ.

I would get another one, too.

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