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Do you shave for....?

I used to shave every other day before I started straight shaving usually for work, although was never been mandatory. Now I shave on weekdays, leaving the weekend for may face to rest, also I the Monday shave is my favorite one, usually BBS with no effort. Now I also shave on holidays and vacation, just for the fun of it.
Sometimes I read in a post about B&B'ers that shave for work.
Even if I think to be much more presentable at work, it's a great pleasure, it is a zen moment ( I catch this espression just read here in a post) for me shaving. And I shave even when I don't work. And you? Do you shave only for work reason?

My employer requires men to be clean shaven. Back when I used cartridges, I would often not shave on my days off, but now that I switched to DE shaving, I shave almost everyday. My "day off" lately has been Mondays due to my Friday through Monday work schedule and working at 4 A.M. everyday (been shaving at night before I go to bed). With this kind of schedule, I skip the Monday evening shave, and instead get up Tuesday morning (my first day off) and really enjoy my shave. I think the Tuesday morning shave is my favorite shave of the week, since I have a little more growth and I can get super smooth and enjoy the results throughout the day. As I write this I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee, enjoying the light lingering aroma of my aftershave, and feeling wonderful. Life is good. :)
I used to shave every 2 or 3 days in the cartridge days, I never liked the stubble look, but I always got a lot of irritation so I had to do it that way. Since discovering DE I shave every day no problem. I do it because I enjoy it and enjoy looking neat and clean. someone once said " A gentleman always tries to present himself in the best possible light, not out of vanity, but out of respect for those who he is with, and those with whom he might run into." A creed we should all live by.
I used to shave every 2 or 3 days in the cartridge days, I never liked the stubble look, but I always got a lot of irritation so I had to do it that way. Since discovering DE I shave every day no problem. I do it because I enjoy it and enjoy looking neat and clean. someone once said " A gentleman always tries to present himself in the best possible light, not out of vanity, but out of respect for those who he is with, and those with whom he might run into." A creed we should all live by.

Couldn't agree more. My issue with cartridges was not only the irritation factor, but the cost of replacing them. I hated how expensive they were, so my natural inclination was to shave less often, and at the same time, drag as many uses out of the blade as possible before replacing, which led to so many uncomfortable shaves. Now, with DE razors, I can shave every day, and on a good day I can get a BBS with very minimal irritation (which usually fades off after an hour anyway). Sometimes I think to myself I'm gonna not shave for 2 or 3 days, just so I can have a super amazing BBS shave...but I enjoy the process of shaving so much now, I don't think I could go that long. :thumbup:
Since starting DE shaving I have shaved every day, and love it! I wish my beard grew twice as fast so I could shave twice a day.:thumbup:
I have a job that I don't have to shave for, and I stayed pretty unkempt for years after the military, only using a beard trimmer when I needed to. Recently my wife said that she prefers me shaved. I always hated shaving so I figured I'd give a DE razor a try and now I'm hooked. I shave most days, usually for the experience, often after work when I have more time. I do enjoy my shave most after missing a day or two.

I am required to shave for work, but I shave everyday because I can, barring any unforeseen problems (I work a rotating shift so sometimes I'm just too groggy to do anything that requires the least amount of skill).

I also shave because (as a few others mentioned) I admittedly like to kiss and hug my wife and daughter; neither of which will allow it with stubble. :bored:

I was also taught by a military father that you always put your best face forward everyday, regardless.

I shave everyday because as a business owner it's imperative that I am always "on." I make sure to look the part even at the grocery store on Sunday. Also, I feel like a bum otherwise. I see guys on TV, and think, "he knew he was going to be on tv, he couldn't be bothered to shave?"


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I'm retired and I shave every day. I enjoy the shave, enjoy looking clean-shaven and enjoy it quite a bit when my wife likes the smooth skin.
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