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Chin like Chisel - Advice for SR Shaving the Chin?

Hi All, I am about 90 or so days and about 30 shaves in with Straight Razor shaving. I have made tremendous progress from prep, stropping, figuring out I really prefer a full hollow ground VS a quarter hollow ground...but I am still struggling with my chin!

I have watched, what I think is the best Youtube "how to" video, from Lynn Abrams a dozen times and when he gets to his chin it looks so effortless.....

My chin is a natural for a 1 week goatee.....my hair grows very fast, thick, and dense at the chin. It seems no matter the angle, pressure, try to pull the skin tight, etc., with SR just hurts quite a bit and tugs like crazy on the chin. But - then I can grab my stupid cartridge razor and it just glides over the chin and the hairs just come right off....


Nice handle! I qualified M14 when I was in the Navy - a fine rifle and we still had them in the small arms locker until just after I left the ship they got replaced by M16s....

Nice document! Reading some good advice about Edge Shaving to help work on the thick beard areas.....sounds perfect for my puzzle.....also the stuff about slicing sounds good too.
I made Distinguished Rifleman in 1994 with the M14 Rifle .I also have two Silver Medals for Infantry Trophy at the Nationals with the 14..
Regards Mike
P.S, I bought a Hart 6/8 when they were on sale.It was not save ready when I received it .It also had heavy grind marks on it .I reset the bevel with out tape on a 1 K and did a progression of up to 12 K.I got lucky a was able to get a shave ready edge .I like the feel of the razor for balance and handling .But its not my favourite edge .May try Finishing on a Jnat or Belgian Couticle to see if I can soften and smooth out the the edge .
You were a soldier! I was a Submarine Officer....I issued small arms for ship's defense reaction forces. Figured I may as well know how to shoot anything I was handing out...and kept one for myself since the bad guys always seemed to be winning in drills and exams. On one exam the look on the inspectors face when he came upon me armed to the tooth! Not looking to add honing to my SR experience just yet......will keep building up experience on my 5/8 Boker Edelweiss which is wicked sharp and easier to shave with.
I would stick to the Boker while you are learning and revisit the Hart in a few Months .If you don’t get good results with the Hart down the road .I would send it out to one of the BB Hone Masters like Doc 226.
thanks for the encouragement.....will come back to the Hart in a month or two.....but maybe I am just set to be a full hollow ground guy....almost sounds like a grade of coffee grind :)
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