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Brotherhood of the Open Comb

Not many open comb razors in the collection since I'm mainly an SE guy. I had a Muhle R41 (2011) at one time and I didn't think it was aggressive it's too bad I gave it away to a friend. The tiny collection includes a Fatip Grande, Cadet Robusto (01SS), Gillette New Ball End handle and Gillette New Bar handle (both long combs). There may be only 4 open combs that I currently own but they are excellent shavers. For a long time I only used closed combs I have a hard time going back to them except my Gillette Red Tip. Nice club you guys got here.
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Looks liek all the bases are covered to me.

OK. I am at it again. Just as soon as I figure I have the best match for me, I find out about something else I never heard of before, and I just have to try it. I had replaced my Super Speed Red Tip with a New Long Comb, only to replace that with a generic Solingen Slant with closed comb (not safety bar) with differential aggressiveness on each side. I thought that was really great.

Then, I find out there is an open comb super slant with double the slant angle. Oooh! May Be Better! So, one came along, and I acquired it, and shaved with it for the first time today. All I can say is Amazing! This cheap looking plastic razor shaves so close, I only need one pass. What is my poor Tech second-pass razor to do now? It feels a lot like the Old Type OC, but does not leave any weepers or spots of irritation the way the Old Type does if I don't give it at least two days growth.

So here is the oddball Fasan Double Slant, so named because it offers double the slant twist of the usual Solingen, Germany made slants:

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Here it is with my two other OCs:


OK. I am at it again. Just as soon as I figure I have the best match for me, I find out about something else I never heard of before, and I just have to try it. I had replaced my Super Speed Red Tip with a New Long Comb, only to replace that with a generic Solingen Slant with closed comb (not safety bar) with differential aggressiveness on each side. I thought that was really great.

Then, I find out there is an open comb super slant with double the slant angle. Oooh! May Be Better! So, one came along, and I acquired it, and shaved with it for the first time today. All I can say is Amazing! This cheap looking plastic razor shaves so close, I only need one pass. What is my poor Tech second-pass razor to do now? It feels a lot like the Old Type OC, but does not leave any weepers or spots of irritation the way the Old Type does if I don't give it at least two days growth.

So here is the oddball Fasan Double Slant, so named because it offers double the slant twist of the usual Solingen, Germany made slants:

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Here it is with my two other OCs:

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that is a sweet razor
Here is my latest purchase - the 1912 SE. I got it under the wire for the Christmas restraint. I can't wait to try it. As I understand it, it qualifies for the BOTOC.

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Here is my latest purchase - the 1912 SE. I got it under the wire for the Christmas restraint. I can't wait to try it. As I understand it, it qualifies for the BOTOC.
I got, and shaved with a British 1912 last week.
A bar joins the combs, but the bar does not touch the face, only the combs- hence the scholars debate...
...I posted about it here and with the LOSERS, just to hedge my bets :biggrin1:

In any case, it looks beautiful, is superbly made and (once blade angle is dialled in) delivers a very close and astonishingly smooth shave.
Nice one :thumbup1:
Not many open comb razors in the collection since I'm mainly an SE guy. I had a Muhle R41 (2011) at one time and I didn't think it was aggressive it's too bad I gave it away to a friend. The tiny collection includes a Fatip Grande, Cadet Robusto (01SS), Gillette New Ball End handle and Gillette New Bar handle (both long combs). There may be only 4 open combs that I currently own but they are excellent shavers. For a long time I only used closed combs I have a hard time going back to them except my Gillette Red Tip. Nice club you guys got here.
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Ahh, yes, covering the four major comb groups I see.
I dug out my 1934 Aristocrat today for use with a new tube of La Toja shaving cream. I've been on a quest for a favorite cream/soap for a week or two. I love that old Aristocrat! Although the La Toja is going to take some getting used to. Normally with that razor I don't even cut/nick myself, but today...razor rash. I think I should stick to my 1919 Old Type for my cream testing time. Maybe I just need to bring out the '34 more often. In any event, it's back to the Old Type tomorrow. It's pretty cool how a razor that old can work so well. Open Combs Forever!!! God Bless, and have a good evening Gentlemen.
I dug out my 1934 Aristocrat today for use with a new tube of La Toja shaving cream. I've been on a quest for a favorite cream/soap for a week or two. I love that old Aristocrat! Although the La Toja is going to take some getting used to. Normally with that razor I don't even cut/nick myself, but today...razor rash. I think I should stick to my 1919 Old Type for my cream testing time. Maybe I just need to bring out the '34 more often. In any event, it's back to the Old Type tomorrow. It's pretty cool how a razor that old can work so well. Open Combs Forever!!! God Bless, and have a good evening Gentlemen.

Since I've been experimenting with a feather in my 11C this week, i went ahead and put it in the ol Fatip. :scared::scared: I survived, two shaves in a row with it.literally, no runs, no drips, no errors. Two great shaves, not even a nick. I definitely learned the meaning of zero pressure. Think I'm ready for OCtober.
1921 Gillette new improved "new standard" right here. This is a awesome razor. the lining is more purple than the picture shows.
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More on my 1st week of OC madness!

Still same set up

30's Bar Handle
Personna Red
EJ Best Badger
SCS Bulgarian Lavender Soap
Baxter ASB

So for Wednesday, shave # 3, my technique is improving overall good shave but not on par with the first two, but pretty similar. didn't get quite as smooth still a little upper lip irritation/burn, three weepers and OH NO I cut my upper lip, not bad but enough that it actually had a small scab by the afternoon.

So for day four I decided I need a new blade so on to a GSB. I had an early meeting and overslept a little so this should be fun. Quick shower, crappy lather, and no time. So I want crazy and said well just a little growth since yesterday (must have been a closer shave than I first thought) so I decided to go one ATG pass with minor touch up so I wouldn't be late for my meeting. I was envisioning and old move where I had little pieces of toilet paper on my face on the way out the door and forgot one as I went into the meeting. SO the results you ask? Well to wonderment I got a pretty close shave, no real nicks/cuts, one tiny weeper, and **gasp** no upper lip burn!

So needless to say I cannot wait to try my others and have a feeling I will be grabbing one of these bad boys as or more often as my beloved Fat Handle Techs.

Viva La Open Comb!

So I would like to thank all of you enablers!
More on my 1st week of OC madness!

Still same set up

30's Bar Handle
Personna Red
EJ Best Badger
SCS Bulgarian Lavender Soap
Baxter ASB

So for Wednesday, shave # 3, my technique is improving overall good shave but not on par with the first two, but pretty similar. didn't get quite as smooth still a little upper lip irritation/burn, three weepers and OH NO I cut my upper lip, not bad but enough that it actually had a small scab by the afternoon.

So for day four I decided I need a new blade so on to a GSB. I had an early meeting and overslept a little so this should be fun. Quick shower, crappy lather, and no time. So I want crazy and said well just a little growth since yesterday (must have been a closer shave than I first thought) so I decided to go one ATG pass with minor touch up so I wouldn't be late for my meeting. I was envisioning and old move where I had little pieces of toilet paper on my face on the way out the door and forgot one as I went into the meeting. SO the results you ask? Well to wonderment I got a pretty close shave, no real nicks/cuts, one tiny weeper, and **gasp** no upper lip burn!

So needless to say I cannot wait to try my others and have a feeling I will be grabbing one of these bad boys as or more often as my beloved Fat Handle Techs.

Viva La Open Comb!

So I would like to thank all of you enablers!

I think BOTOC is Russian for enabling #thatswhatwedo
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