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Absinthe – A newb’s eye view

Hey all,

Sorry I've been so long getting back. The wife didn't go out of town until much later than I had expected.

Any way the very morning that she left, I paid a visit to my new favorite liquor store an decided on Kubler 53. It killed me to have to wait until I got home that evening to uncork that bottle but all good things to those who wait. As it is, on a pure whim I stopped by a bar on the way home that I have never visited before. They had Lucid, so I tried it.

Lucid compared to the Absente was definately a more mature flavor, yet I personally found it to be a bit "bitey" not bad but considering the price, I would have stayed with Absente, real absinthe or not.

When I got home I made sure to settle in well and then went for the Kubler. The nose was very nice. Aromatic and rich, my thoughts were not of NyQuil like with the Absente, but more along the lines of Good and Plenty. Then the louche, honestly this is the one area I'll give the Absente higher marks (if only slightly). The Kubler did louche well, but not as satisfying to the eye. But most importantly, the taste, smooth and rich, I really couldn't believe is was such a high proof drink. This was a bit scary as by the end of my fourth glass I was feeling NO pain and was gliding along a very confortable buzz. (The buzz of fairy wings perhaps, hmmmm.) Good thing I had taken off work the next day. I thoroughly enjoyed it and between the two (three counting the Lucid), there is no comparison, I'm now a Kubler fan.

I'm still a scotch drinker first and foremost but I do feel my horizons have been broadened.



Glad to hear you liked Kubler. Some people on the Absinthe sites don't take it seriously, but I think that's unfounded or revisionist absinthing. I've had black market Neuchatel absinthe (from my grandpa's liquor cabinet) and Kubler is very close. More refined. Very tasty, I don't bother sugaring it, and make sure you pour top quality cold spring water into it SLOWLY. Because of their bootleg past, traditional Swiss absinthes aren't as exciting to look at, but they certainly taste nice :)
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