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A thread that isn't really about "Opinions on Lilac Vegetal scent"

I see there are many posts on the Veg in the Opinions on Arko scent. They don’t really belong in this suburb thread. Opinions on Arko scent thread really is a classic. Opinions on Arko Scent? I thank @Owen Bawn for creating that thread, The Veg and Arko share a similar niche in the shaving community. Its either love or hate. This is why I think they need each other in a sister site.
I hope this fledging site will prosper like Opinions on Arko scent.

Please post your opinions of the Lilac Vegatal here. Don’t hold back I know you don’t need to be told.
☣️ Warning! Biohazard! Warning! ☣️Pinaud Clubman Lilac Vegetal is outlawed by the Geneva Convention. Biological Weapons of mass destruction are illegal in the modern world. This stuff smells so bad it has the potential of devastating an entire country. 💀 Even 🦨 skunk smells better.
Trauma victims often struggle to understand just exactly what has happened to them. There is an innate rejection of any thought that someone would intentionally do so much harm to them as to create trauma. Unfortunately, in the quest for understanding, many victims gravitate into exploratory thought and empathy so deeply that they begin to identify with the traumatizer, developing feelings of compassion, then passion. It's a very sick, twisted ending to a very sick, twisted beginning. This is also known as the Stockholm Syndrome.

And that, gents, is my explanation for why some people like The Veg.
A tour of the bottling plant:
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