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2024 Shave Purchase Sabbatical - The Year of MacGyver

Still in...
#53 Still in! I tried growing a goatee about 3 weeks ago, but I hate the way it felt so I shaved it off today. Who am I kidding??? I am a very clean cut kind of guy, plus, I enjoy shaving and how my face feels when I splash on some bay rum!!!
Totally agree. I’ve tried so many times growing a beard, goatee, mustache but, I can’t seem to ever get past a week or two. I dislike stubble.

I shave with 120 deg F water. Not into cold water unless really necessary. I will touch up some areas late in the day from time to time by dry shaving with an Old Type. Yeah. Dry shave. But only for small areas. If it all needs some attention, I'll just pull a second hot water shave.

#53 Still in! I tried growing a goatee about 3 weeks ago, but I hate the way it felt so I shaved it off today. Who am I kidding??? I am a very clean cut kind of guy, plus, I enjoy shaving and how my face feels when I splash on some bay rum!!!
I'm in the same camp as you are. I do have the occasional days I'll skip a shave, and I'll freely admit that 2 day growth always results in a superb, BBS shave. That said, I enjoy it too darn much to skip a shave that often.
Well folks, this is my monthly check in in this thread.

Still in and kicking.

Finished two samples of soap and yes it took me a month of shaving or almost a month to get through them.
I also finished the bottle of Proraso AS White balm that was on tap since the beginning of the year in April and while it did not happened in April, I finished the Nivea AS sensitive balm bottle this morning. I also switch to a new Alum block this morning.

Folks see you in this thread next month, the daily shave will be as usual in the GRUME thread.
Still in after four complete months, and I'm kind of surprised. It's been a great experience to just use the gear that I already have (which I must admit is way too much). Eight months to go. I very well may be completely out of aftershave balm by the end of the year though. It will be interesting to see.
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No, for me. Don't tell me it isn't allowed to buy an Eau de Parfum. That has nothing to do with shaving does it?
Depends on how you look at it I think, but I am not pointing fingers to where the ritual begins and where it ends. Taking a shower with a soap doesn’t exactly count as preshave right. At least not in my book. But buying a random mug and using that for shaving is. I just wanted to make sure that Cologne doesn’t mean aftershave or similar - wouldn’t be the first item to get lost in translation. But you’re in until you say you are out.


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