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2017 Shave Purchase Sabbatical , The Year of the Walking Dead

Sorry gang, i just can't stand it for fourth year in a row. I'll get my hat trick here in a couple weeks then blow it. Good luck to all, and stay away from Negan!
I'm not planning to 3017 anything, but I did finish 4 pucks of soap during the 2016 restraint (which I failed). If I don't get any soap for Christmas, I may need to buy one before 2017 starts. I'm currently down to 2 partially used creams and only one soap that's half gone. I do have some Barbasol and Gillette gel in the back of my cabinet, but I'd rather not finish the year with those. I still have about 200 DE blades and 35 SE blades.
If you want to be in, copy and paste and append the list.
Theme of this year is The Walking Dead - Survivors (exception or no) and the Dead (those who have failed)

1. Karhu - no exceptions.
2. martym - no exceptions.
3. Luecke2326 - Straight razor restoration
4. Captp - An ATT AL razor
5. Azwetshaver- Wolfman razor (might as well be no exception )
6. Samarijack
7. KQY61 - gotta think about an exception....or not....
8. Ruckin - not sure about exception yet.
9. Vincentchou - no exception
10. byDoms - no exception
11. Thomas Darkblade - Witch Hazel
12. bobmsp - exception TBD prior to end of restock period
13. rockviper - straight razor rescale
14. Heron - Soap Commander seasonal scent crew membership
15. snowman - ATT razor
16. DomQ - No Exception
17. MaineYooper - No exceptions
18. Icemanxxxv - No exceptions
19. Nicholas - No exceptions
20. emwolf - A toggle under $150
21. Chesty - No exceptions
22. mr_eleven - No exceptions
23. Arjen - No exceptions
24. AZBronco - no exceptions
25. Kevdogg329 - soap
26. CzechCzar - exception forthcoming before 1/1/2017
27. paintflinger - Paladin Ebonite
28. VerbaVolant - Muhle Rocca
29. DougK - no exceptions
30. Claudel Xerxes - To be determined
31. 5Cantonas- No exception
32. cerna348 - Delta Echo Razor treatment for my single ring
33. MarsEnglish - Badger Brush Group Buys
34. Hellboy - No exception
35. T.Orso - Thrift shop British Aristocrat
36. horvy - no exception
Changed to no exceptions. :thumbup1:

If you want to be in, copy and paste and append the list.

Theme of this year is The Walking Dead - Survivors (exception or no) and the Dead (those who have failed)

1. Karhu - no exceptions.
2. martym - no exceptions.
3. Luecke2326 - Straight razor restoration
4. Captp - An ATT AL razor
5. Azwetshaver- No exception
6. Samarijack
7. KQY61 - gotta think about an exception....or not....
8. Ruckin - not sure about exception yet.
9. Vincentchou - no exception
10. byDoms - no exception
11. Thomas Darkblade - Witch Hazel
12. bobmsp - exception TBD prior to end of restock period
13. rockviper - straight razor rescale
14. Heron - Soap Commander seasonal scent crew membership
15. snowman - ATT razor
16. DomQ - No Exception
17. MaineYooper - No exceptions
18. Icemanxxxv - No exceptions
19. Nicholas - No exceptions
20. emwolf - A toggle under $150
21. Chesty - No exceptions
22. mr_eleven - No exceptions
23. Arjen - No exceptions
24. AZBronco - no exceptions
25. Kevdogg329 - soap
26. CzechCzar - exception forthcoming before 1/1/2017
27. paintflinger - Paladin Ebonite
28. VerbaVolant - Muhle Rocca
29. DougK - no exceptions
30. Claudel Xerxes - To be determined
31. 5Cantonas- No exception
32. cerna348 - Delta Echo Razor treatment for my single ring
33. MarsEnglish - Badger Brush Group Buys
34. Hellboy - No exception
35. T.Orso - Thrift shop British Aristocrat
36. horvy - no exception
I joined the sabbatical because there are too many secrets! Also I only lasted two weeks in the fall restraint, but I think I now have the AD out of my system.

It has to work this time or I'll be in big trouble! Ha!

My ADs show up in February and October.

February is the One Blade Challenge, and someone always uses a Personna 74 in it. The past two years I had one. Went 30 days in 15 and 15 days in 16 with it. 45 days on one blade. To compare with my usual Med Prep, they go 12-14 days. Makes me want to buy a lot of highly overpriced P74s.....

October is the Open Comb month. I see all these neat OC razors every year, and some folks go with a different razor each day. Makes me want to go buy 29 more OC razors - all different....

The rest of the year is pretty AD free. ;)

I think what drives a lot of AD is FOMO - Fear of Missing Out.

We hear of something new, something great and we feel like we need to see if it will be better.

That's what broke me in the 2016 Restraint - I started reading different sub-fora and ended up in the SE one. I'd done carts, DE, Shavette and Straights, but never done a SE. So I had to try one and since the Hawk was in stock, I had to buy one. And a Schick M28 and a General.

I will have to admit that the SEs are giving me top notch shaves...but I didn't really need to by them.

It's now time to head back into a minimalist hole and try and get the best shaves I can from the gear I have.

My ADs show up in February and October.

February is the One Blade Challenge, and someone always uses a Personna 74 in it. The past two years I had one. Went 30 days in 15 and 15 days in 16 with it. 45 days on one blade. To compare with my usual Med Prep, they go 12-14 days. Makes me want to buy a lot of highly overpriced P74s.....

October is the Open Comb month. I see all these neat OC razors every year, and some folks go with a different razor each day. Makes me want to go buy 29 more OC razors - all different....

The rest of the year is pretty AD free. ;)


In previous years I have had this exact problem too!

This is Just Me...not a rule or anything....but I post in quite often and just add a Still In after my name at the end (see below).

The rule part is: one of the leaders call for a Check In as each quarter turns over and then everyone has a week to respond. After that, if they don't check in, they get moved to the Out list and marked AWOL. But, this is all for fun and mutual support so if anyone is not able to respond in time, but responds later with a 'sorry, life got in the way - Still In' we move them back to the In list. :)

Stan - Still In

This is Just Me...not a rule or anything....but I post in quite often and just add a Still In after my name at the end (see below).

The rule part is: one of the leaders call for a Check In as each quarter turns over and then everyone has a week to respond. After that, if they don't check in, they get moved to the Out list and marked AWOL. But, this is all for fun and mutual support so if anyone is not able to respond in time, but responds later with a 'sorry, life got in the way - Still In' we move them back to the In list. :)

Stan - Still In

Wow, this is a disciplined group (in theory anyway)! :)

I would think it is hard (or impossible) to not buy anything for a year if you are still going to this forum to read the posts on a regular basis. If I decided to not buy anything shaving related I'd probably lose interest in the forum as well. How do you talk and read about shaving everyday and not buy anything? :)

Excellent willpower people I must say!
If you want to be in, copy and paste and append the list.
Theme of this year is The Walking Dead - Survivors (exception or no) and the Dead (those who have failed)

1. Karhu - no exceptions.
2. martym - no exceptions.
3. Luecke2326 - Straight razor restoration
4. Captp - An ATT AL razor
5. Azwetshaver- No exception
6. Samarijack
7. KQY61 - gotta think about an exception....or not....
8. Ruckin - not sure about exception yet.
9. Vincentchou - no exception
10. byDoms - no exception
11. Thomas Darkblade - Witch Hazel
12. bobmsp - exception TBD prior to end of restock period
13. rockviper - straight razor rescale
14. Heron - Soap Commander seasonal scent crew membership
15. snowman - ATT razor
16. DomQ - No Exception
17. MaineYooper - No exceptions
18. Icemanxxxv - No exceptions
19. Nicholas - No exceptions
20. emwolf - A toggle under $150
21. Chesty - No exceptions
22. mr_eleven - No exceptions
23. Arjen - No exceptions
24. AZBronco - no exceptions
25. Kevdogg329 - soap
26. CzechCzar - exception forthcoming before 1/1/2017
27. paintflinger - Paladin Ebonite
28. VerbaVolant - Muhle Rocca
29. DougK - no exceptions
30. Claudel Xerxes - To be determined
31. 5Cantonas- No exception
32. cerna348 - Delta Echo Razor treatment for my single ring
33. MarsEnglish - Badger Brush Group Buys
34. Hellboy - No exception
35. T.Orso - Thrift shop British Aristocrat
36. horvy - no exception
38. Jmattmiller - no exceptions
Will the quarterly check in call be only in the thread or will PMs go out? I have a feeling the only way I'll stay purchase free is by being B&B free, too.
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