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2012-- Shave Purchase Sabbatical--Gentlemanly Restraint

Going through my stuff, I'll probably join in July and go until the end of 2013 (with only a couple of exceptions such as astringents).
Well.... the resolve is starting to weaken. Not for the soft goods, but a custom handle for my Damaskeene...must be strong !!!!!!!


The wife's investment
Still in here, too. Solid... unless something gets lost in the move. My wife almost tossed a box of vintage razors today.
The DR Harris Windsor scent isn't that great. Smells a lot like Terre D' Hermes cologne. Citrus with a lot of pepper. Arlington is still the best scent by FAR.
My 4 new RazoRock soaps should be in today though, i'll let you guys know what I think of them. Oh and I bought 3 for David (optometrist) as well!
Still here , just don't know for how long

I'm out of the competition, but still...

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