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What is the Best Shave soap you've ever tried.

L'Occitane Cade is the one I always come back to.
perso I never could have a good lather with it.....I tried different ways but it was a failure...I did insist because of the good reviews but never could achieve ,.....finally took it to the shower :-(

For me it's Il Coloniali Mango kernel oil soap so far. Cella performs better but the Coloniali scent makes me think I'm in heaven.
I used to think it was Tabac, but since I got my AOS Lemon a few weeks ago I think it has surpassed my Tabac.

I've never tried any soaps from AOS but looking at some of these posts and other threads I think AOS may be in my future.

BTW, I love Tabac but I can't imagine anything better.

Until now.
I've never tried any soaps from AOS but looking at some of these posts and other threads I think AOS may be in my future.

BTW, I love Tabac but I can't imagine anything better.

Until now.

I never would have thought anything could have been better than Tabac either. I would have never spent $30 on a soap, but my MIL gave it to me for an early Christmas present. I like the subtle lemon scent mixed with the soapy smell. Tabac will still be my choice when I am purchasing soap (it is not 3 times better than Tabac), but for presents I will be asking for AOS.
Martin De Candre
Mitchell's Wool Fat
Mike's Natural Soaps
Mystic Water Soaps
Queen Charlotte Soaps
Valobra Stick
La Toja Stick

Top soaps that you have to have :thumbup:
There are a few other good ones, but if you have not tried these you are missing out.
I can't believe no one has said Tabula Rasa yet. It takes some effort to learn how to lather, but once you do, WOW!

It has been on my "to try" list for a long while.

As far as mine... MWF. OR QCS. As far as just the lather goes it's a tie, but MWF leaves my face a bit softer...
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