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YOUR 1st one thousand blade purchase.


Remember to forget me!
I probably only have about 50 or 60 blades kicking around here. However, I'm aiming to adjust my technique to be able to get 20+ shaves from a blade. I'm also refurbing a straight razor, and three vintage razors that take hollow ground blades. This gives me over 6 years of DE shaving at three times a week, and (including spare blades) 8 hollow ground blades which will probably last longer than I will ... and I frequently grow a full beard too ...

I can't see me placing a big blade order anytime soon :001_tt2:
I probably only have about 50 or 60 blades kicking around here. However, I'm aiming to adjust my technique to be able to get 20+ shaves from a blade. I'm also refurbing a straight razor, and three vintage razors that take hollow ground blades. This gives me over 6 years of DE shaving at three times a week, and (including spare blades) 8 hollow ground blades which will probably last longer than I will ... and I frequently grow a full beard too ...

I can't see me placing a big blade order anytime soon :001_tt2:

It seems impractical for most people, unless you're sure that you are going to routinely shave for the rest of your life. Me, I can't grow a full beard. So it's either shave or trim and there's no point in trimming in order to look like I shaved 3 days ago. If I could grow a decent beard, I wouldn't have bought so many blades myself. On the plus side, if and when I have children, they'll have stuff they can use without spending too much money up front. Ofc that might just be me trying to rationalize/justify why I have more blades than necessary lol.
Polsilver si

Good price and find them smooth as gsb without the stiction or alternatively sharp as feather but smoother
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