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Obsession With Longevity

There are too many, "how many shaves did you get with this blade" posts...Some might find longevity an issue while selecting blades, but that's not the main focus...The focus is to find what provides the shave results that YOU are looking for...Longevity, in my opinion, focuses more on what kind of value one is getting ("I bought this car at this price with this interest rates, did I get a better deal than you?")...The DE universe isn't all about value, although blade cost is better than cartridge blades...This is about getting a better shave using a better method that happens to cost less...For me, it's 3 and out...I have experimented with longevity over the years, and have been able to push some blades further than others...However, I never want to put myself in the position where I'm mid-shave and realize that the blade is beginning to fail and I am now faced with two choices; tough it out until the end or change out the blade mid-shave...Over the years, I have used several blades, but have recently narrowed my stock to only four (sometimes five): Gillette Nacet, Gillette Silver Blue, Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless (Russian Greens), and Astra SP (Green)...All of these work well in all of my razors (The Gillette Slim Adjustable is my favorite)...The phantom fifth blade is Feather that I don't stock in bulk, but occasionally pick up a five-pack now and then...With all of them, I know that I can get at least three 2 or 3 pass shaves out of them...Some I could push more, but at such a low cost, there isn't a reason to push any of them...Again, it isn't how many shaves I can get out of a given blade, but rather how good of a shave can I get out of three uses of that blade...On a related issue, there is a post out there asking "what was your last 100-pack purchase"...Refer to the first four of five blades that I have mentioned...Of the four of five blades that I stock in bulk, let me know which of those you also stock in bulk and why (without taking longevity into account)...One other item of interest, there are several posts that state that someone likes blade xyz, but not on the first shave...They say that the second or third shave is better...FOR ME, if a blade doesn't perform to my satisfaction right off of the first shave, and I have to endure a break-in shave to like it, that blade isn't for me.
At 75, the only longevity I'm concerned with is my own. :001_unsur
Guys, my way is the best way.



B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I just toss mine when the shave is less than exemplary. I don’t really count. If the second shave pulls I toss it. If it’s on the 8th shave and it’s still going well I keep for the next. Doggedly pushing through unsatisfying shaves to get to the 7th day isn’t worth it to me considering how little blades cost and the “thousands” of dollars I have been “saving” switching from carts to wet shaving :).


Dances with Wolfs
View attachment 2008160

Guys, my way is the best way. First, rarely or never use the same razor two shaves in a row. And the next razor you use probably still has the blade in it from the last time you used it.

But when was the last time you used that? There's no way of knowing or even remembering if that shave was satisfying. It's all lost in a blur of mint juleps served to me by a suspiciously young and all female household staff at my rubber plantation in the Phillipines.

It's like trying to remember which white 3 piece suit I wore yesterday.

So, different razor, time for a new blade. Because why take the chance?

This does happen to me often. I also rarely use the same razor twice in a row. Unless I’m traveling. Even then I’ll often bring two or three razors. When I pick up a razor, and if there is an older blade in it, I’ll always bin it and grab a new one. I can’t remember what I had for breakfast. So how am I supposed to remember how many shaves are on a blade I last used weeks ago?

However, my normal is to grab the blade from the last shave’s razor, and either use that or bin it. I had a bad morning once by picking up a razor where I didn’t realize there was an old blade installed. So I try to not leave them in there any more.

I typically average 3 shaves per blade. But if I have any weirdness with a blade at all, I toss it. Nick, weepers, irritation , I toss it. If I am traveling, and have to put the razor into a case to move to my next leg of the trip, I toss it. If I find a blade doesn’t work well on the first shave, and requires shave two or three to reach its best shave, I give them all away. If a blade doesn’t work on the first shave, I don’t want it.

So even though I tend to average three shaves on a blade, I often have a one and done situation.

Regarding this part of the above quote:

Guys, my way is the best way.

I am totally a “live and let live” guy. You do you. I do me. Do whatever works.


Slickness is a sickness
...Refer to the first four of five blades that I have mentioned...Of the four of five blades that I stock in bulk, let me know which of those you also stock in bulk and why (without taking longevity into account)...

Of the blades you listed, I've got at least 800 Astra blades, along with 100-packs of GSB and Nacet...and more that you haven't listed. All of them give me five close, comfortable, 3-pass shaves in any of my razors, modern or vintage.

I don't see any benefit in pushing any blade past 5-6 shaves. Beyond that (for me) would be more of a curiosity.
There are too many, "how many shaves did you get with this blade" posts...Some might find longevity an issue while selecting blades, but that's not the main focus...The focus is to find what provides the shave results that YOU are looking for...Longevity, in my opinion, focuses more on what kind of value one is getting ("I bought this car at this price with this interest rates, did I get a better deal than you?")...The DE universe isn't all about value, although blade cost is better than cartridge blades...This is about getting a better shave using a better method that happens to cost less...For me, it's 3 and out...I have experimented with longevity over the years, and have been able to push some blades further than others...However, I never want to put myself in the position where I'm mid-shave and realize that the blade is beginning to fail and I am now faced with two choices; tough it out until the end or change out the blade mid-shave...Over the years, I have used several blades, but have recently narrowed my stock to only four (sometimes five): Gillette Nacet, Gillette Silver Blue, Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless (Russian Greens), and Astra SP (Green)...All of these work well in all of my razors (The Gillette Slim Adjustable is my favorite)...The phantom fifth blade is Feather that I don't stock in bulk, but occasionally pick up a five-pack now and then...With all of them, I know that I can get at least three 2 or 3 pass shaves out of them...Some I could push more, but at such a low cost, there isn't a reason to push any of them...Again, it isn't how many shaves I can get out of a given blade, but rather how good of a shave can I get out of three uses of that blade...On a related issue, there is a post out there asking "what was your last 100-pack purchase"...Refer to the first four of five blades that I have mentioned...Of the four of five blades that I stock in bulk, let me know which of those you also stock in bulk and why (without taking longevity into account)...One other item of interest, there are several posts that state that someone likes blade xyz, but not on the first shave...They say that the second or third shave is better...FOR ME, if a blade doesn't perform to my satisfaction right off of the first shave, and I have to endure a break-in shave to like it, that blade isn't for me.
Nothing wrong with each of us enjoying this hobby in our own way per the posts above whether it's about high end razors, collectable brushes, blade longevity or in my case discovering how to get great lather from each of my soaps and creams.

All four of my razor brands deliver similar high quality shaves with the only difference between them being longevity with Derby Extras at on end with roughly 3-6 shaves per blade and Dorcos at the other end at 8-12 each. Nothing wrong with reporting and comparing the results. As my blades wear gradually I'm able to use them until they give out. Based on this I've found that there are outliers outside those ranges from a couple Derby Extras that did not make it through the first shave (only blades I've changed mid shave) to some Dorcos and even a Derby Extra that made it to over 20 shaves. In addition to these two brands I've also stocked some Astra SP (Green) and most recently a 100 pack of the KCG blades from China. All work well.

FYI there are others here who also realize similar quality shaves from their blades like me as well as those who need the sharpest blade possible, like a Feather, for a decent shave and everything in between. Suspect some combination of hair type and preferred technique drives this natural variation and resultant desire to focus on different blade performance characteristics.

Glad to hear that you've experimented over the years to determine what works best for you. The answer varies across our B&B membership and drives unique focus areas for each member.
Nothing wrong with each of us enjoying this hobby in our own way per the posts above whether it's about high end razors, collectable brushes, blade longevity or in my case discovering how to get great lather from each of my soaps and creams.

All four of my razor brands deliver similar high quality shaves with the only difference between them being longevity with Derby Extras at on end with roughly 3-6 shaves per blade and Dorcos at the other end at 8-12 each. Nothing wrong with reporting and comparing the results. As my blades wear gradually I'm able to use them until they give out. Based on this I've found that there are outliers outside those ranges from a couple Derby Extras that did not make it through the first shave (only blades I've changed mid shave) to some Dorcos and even a Derby Extra that made it to over 20 shaves. In addition to these two brands I've also stocked some Astra SP (Green) and most recently a 100 pack of the KCG blades from China. All work well.

FYI there are others here who also realize similar quality shaves from their blades like me as well as those who need the sharpest blade possible, like a Feather, for a decent shave and everything in between. Suspect some combination of hair type and preferred technique drives this natural variation and resultant desire to focus on different blade performance characteristics.

Glad to hear that you've experimented over the years to determine what works best for you. The answer varies across our B&B membership and drives unique focus areas for each member.
to hear that feedback...This wasn't meant to be any kind one is right, while another is wrong...This was simply posted to spark hearing from why so many people choose to continue using a blade, while others choose to draw a line in the sand...As you stated, everything is based on what is best for you; I agree...For me, the best practice is to do no more than three with any given blade (sometimes, I limit that to two just because I'm in the mood to change it up)...That way, for me, I'm never disappointed, which is the actual point of us doing all of this.
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